Copy and unzip files in lot of folders

I had to update a file in every folder in which I used my pybook app for taking notes and other sort of organizing stuffs. To avoid doing the update in every folder, I decided to make this script that copies the latest version in all the folders, having them named something_book (where something is a different name for different stuffs). So this is the code to save some time. I also made a .bat file tha makes me do it from the cmd wherever I am.

import os
import shutil
import glob

book = glob.glob("G:\\python_book\\book2*.py")[-1].split("\\")[-1]
folders = glob.glob("G:\\*_book")
ind = folders.index("G:\\python_book")
folders = [x for x in folders if x != "python_book"]
# folders += glob.glob("G:\\pymemo_*")
print(*folders, sep="\n")
print("To copy:")
for fold in folders:
	print(fold, book)
	shutil.copy("G:\\python_book\\" + book, fold)

Unzip a file in different folders

Whith this script I can unzip some files into different folders ending with _book

# Unzip the files in a zipped file in the same dir of this script
import os
import shutil
import glob
import zipfile

def unzip(name):
    "Unzip zipped file"
    with zipfile.ZipFile(name, 'r') as zip_ref:

def unzip_to_all():
	"Shows the folders"
	folders = glob.glob("G:\\*_book")
	ind = folders.index("G:\\python_book")
	print(*folders, sep="\n")
	for fold in folders:


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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.