Getting data about Coronavirus with Python in Italy

Here are the data: clike here.

The code to look at the data about coronavirus in Italy are here:

import pandas as pd

def check(what, url):
	df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)

check("Confirmed", "")

check("Recovered", "")

check("Deaths", "")

The output (at 26/02/2020) is this.

   Province/State Country/Region      Lat  ...  2/23/20  2/24/20  2/25/20
60            NaN          Italy  41.8719  ...      155      229      322

[1 rows x 39 columns]
   Province/State Country/Region      Lat  ...  2/23/20  2/24/20  2/25/20
60            NaN          Italy  41.8719  ...        2        1        1

[1 rows x 39 columns]
   Province/State Country/Region      Lat  ...  2/23/20  2/24/20  2/25/20
60            NaN          Italy  41.8719  ...        3        7       10

[1 rows x 39 columns]

More clear view of the data

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime

yesterday = str(
month = str(

def check(what, day):
	url = f"{what}.csv"

	df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
	print(what, end=" ")
	result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="Italy"][f"{month}/{day}/20"]

what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" 
for w in what:
	check(w, yesterday)


Confirmed [322]
Recovered [1]
Deaths [10]


Check the Jupyter notebook with the code for coronavirus

Check the my jupyter lab notebook with this code


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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.