Ursina Engine: a new game engine for Python

Go here to check for the new game engine for Python Ursina.

ursina engine for python games
Games with Python with Urisna free game engine

    Ursina makes it easier to develop games, visualizations and other kinds software.
The concise API combined with the power of the Python programming language,
makes life easier for the developer so they can focus on what they are making. (from the site)


Go here for the documentation.

Github repository

Click here for the repository of ursina.


#ursina game
import sys
from ursina import *
from random import randint

def update():
	"Rotating cube"

	if held_keys['d']:
		cube.rotation_y = cube.rotation_y + time.dt*100

global cube

app = Ursina()
cube = Entity(

a rotating cube video

Cloning minecraft with Ursina

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Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.