A button a Draggable object and an Entity in Ursina

See how to add buttons, draggable objects in Ursina and also an Entity. This module seems so good for games when you get used to it.

A button, a draggable and an entity object
from ursina import *    #import everything we need with just one line

class Player(Entity):   # inherits Entity, out base class for most things. Like GameObject in Unity
    def __init__(self):

        self.position = (0,1,0)
        self.position = (0,1)   # third axis is optional
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 1
        self.z = 0
        self.world_position = (0,1,0)
        self.world_x = 0

        self.rotation = (0,0,0)   # euler angles
        # target = (2,0,1)    # can also be an Entity
        # self.look_at(target)

        self.scale = (1,2,1)
        self.scale_x = 1
        self.scale_y = 2
        self.scale_z = 1
        self.world_scale = (1,2)

        self.model = 'quad' # tries to load model from /models folder
        # you can also set it to a built in procedural model
        # self.model = Circle(resolution=16)

        self.origin = (-.5, -.5)    # sets model offset. often used when working with ui

        # tries to load texture from /textures/compressed folder
        # call compress_textures() to compress .psd files and big png files
        self.texture = 'white_cube'

        self.color = color.orange
        # self.color = color.random.color()
        # self.color = color.color(90, 1, 1, 1) #hsv color

        self.collider = 'box'

        self.text_entity = Text(
            text = '< a     d >',
            parent = scene,
            z = -.1

    def input(self, key):

    def update(self):
        self.x += held_keys['d'] * .1
        self.x -= held_keys['a'] * .1

    def on_mouse_enter(self):

    def on_mouse_exit(self):

    def on_click(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Ursina()
    sky = Sky()
    player = Player()

    button = Button(position=(-.5, .25), text='button_text')
    button.scale *= .2
    button.text_entity.scale /= .2
    button.tooltip = Tooltip('tooltip text')

    info_text = Text(
        '''<black>This is just an <orange>example game \n<black>so it doesn't look that <red>great''',
        y = -3,

    draggable = Draggable(
        scale = (.2,.1),
        texture = 'white_cube',
        color = color.tint(color.lime, -.5),
        text = 'drag & drop!',
        # world_parent = scene


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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.