Free Apps

  • App to get subtitles from google videos
  • Text to speech on line
  • Capture images to make a pdf from them all with few clicks
  • Convert mp4 to mp3 than to wav then get text out of it
  • Generate test in html and js with python
  • Grab2PDF – grab all images you need and get a pdf with all of them
  • Snippet tool to grab images with Python
  • Create Audio from Text and save it as mp3
  • pdf generator
  • qr code generator
  • calculator memo 2
  • minicalculator
  • memo – note maker – mempy

App to get subtitles

Text to speech online

Capture images and make a pdf with them with few clicks

Convert mp4 to mp3 than to wav then get text out of it

Generate test in html and js with python

Generate random tests in javscript


This utility is great, imo. It makes you grab images from the screen with the mouse. At the first click a rectangle area will show as you move the mouse. At the second click it will get the area and save it as a png. Then you can repeat the grabbing as many time as you want. At the end press escape and a pdf with all the images will be generated. Cool! I did not find an app like this in the web, so I think it’s pretty cool and it is the fastest way to do this. Very helpful to create immediate pdf files in minutes to show stuffs you want to show and create ebooks in such a brief time. A tip. To get images scrolling the window of the app you are grabbing the images from or to change window from where to grab the images, simply press alt + tab and you will focus on the desktop instead of my app, scroll the page or go to another app from where you need to take the image, and then press back alt + tab to get back to my app and get the area to be grabbed. There’s a video that makes you see what do I mean here below:

Snippet tool

Grab images from the screen with this script very similar to snippet tool for windows.

How to get a part of the screen image with Pygame (v. 3)

Create Audio from Text and save it as mp3


The app running
The output
import tkinter as tk
import pdfkit
import os

def pdf(event):
    x = "my.pdf"
    content = txbx.get("0.0", tk.END)
    pdfkit.from_string(content, x)
    print("pdf created")

root = tk.Tk()
# WIDGETS: text box => Text class of tkinter (tk)
label = tk.Label(root, text="CTRL + b to make a page (use also html)")
txbx = tk.Text(root, height=20, insertbackground="white")
txbx['font'] = "Arial 14"
txbx['bg'] = "black"
txbx['fg'] = "white"
txbx['borderwidth'] = 2
txbx.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
txbx.bind("<Control-b>", pdf)


Here you can dowload the code for the pdf generator


Qr Code generator

How to create a qr code




A minicalculator with tkinter

memo – note maker – mempy

Memo pad with Html Rendering with Tkinter – part 3

Mempy 3.0


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Speech recognition game

Pygame's Platform Game

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