Mini – calculator with Python and tkinter

Calculator… not just like you imagine it

I want to show a simple use of tkinter, very simple, but with a practical example that can be useful for many simple tasks, that you can make more complex for your purposes.

The code for the calculator

Here is the code, no buttons as you can use the keyboard to do all the things you need.

from tkinter import *

#This function returns a Frame
def iCalc(source, side):
    "Returns a Frame object yet packed and expanded, to shorten the code"
    # the bd is the border of the frame
    storeObj = Frame(source, borderwidth=10, bd=1, bg="gray")
    # the pack methos is needed to diplay the object
    storeObj.pack(side=side, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    return storeObj

# This class inherit from Frame
class App(Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        self.option_add("*Font", "arial 20 bold")
        self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

        #  THE DISPLAY
        display = StringVar()
        # relief can be FLAT or RIDGE or RAISED or SUNKEN GROOVE
        entry = Entry(self, relief=FLAT, textvariable=display, justify='right', bd=15, bg='orange')
        # I added an action to calculate the operation when Return (Enter) is hit
        # You can hit enter to get the result instead of clicking =
        self.master.bind("<Return>", lambda e, s=self, storeObj=display: s.calc(storeObj))
        # YOu can click del button on the keyboard to cancel
        self.master.bind("<Delete>", lambda e, s=self, storeObj=display: storeObj.set(""))
        self.master.bind("<BackSpace>", lambda e, s=self, storeObj=display: storeObj.set(""))

    def calc(self, display):
        	# Sets the display to the evaluation of the string in the display itself, i.e. calculate the result
        	# if something goes wrong with the result

if __name__ == '__main__':

Make an exe from the script minicalculator

Read this article to know how to do it, or write this on cmd, after you installed pyinstaller with

pip install pyinstaller

pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile --noupx

You will find the exe file in the ‘dist‘ folder that will appear in the folder of the .py file.

If you double click on the exe file and it does not run, open the cmd in that folder and write


You can also try this: right click on the exe file and choose ‘run as administrator‘. The next time you will not need to do this, you can just double click on it.


Tkinter test for students

Tkinter articles