Dear PyGUI a tool to make Graphic Interfaces (GUI) with Python – Cheatsheet

This, Dear PyGUI module, is a tool to create Graphin User Interfaces -GUI – along with the python programming language we all love. This uses Dear ImGui. It makes you create dynamic GUIs.

It has some nice features like;

  • GPU Rendering
  • canvas with low level drawing API
  • built-in Asynchronous function support
  • theme (10 built in) and style control
  • lots of widget combinations
  • good documentation


pip install dearpygui

It weights 4.4 Mb and at the moment is dearpygui-1.10.1 version.


it has the following dependecies:


Lots of examples of code can be found here;

from dearpygui.core import *
from dearpygui.simple import *

def apply_text_multiplier(sender, data):
    font_multiplier = get_value("Font Size Multiplier")

def apply_theme(sender, data):
    theme = get_value("Themes")

themes = ["Dark", "Light", "Classic", "Dark 2", "Grey", "Dark Grey", "Cherry", "Purple", "Gold", "Red"]

with window("Tutorial"):
    add_combo("Themes", items=themes, default_value="Dark", callback=apply_theme)

    add_slider_float("Font Size Multiplier", default_value=1.0, min_value=0.0, max_value=2.0,


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Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.