Arkanoid… let’s make it better…

I made this script some times ago. Can we transform it into a nice game?

# pong!
import pygame
from random import choice

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
# Coordinates p1, p2 and ball
x1 = 490
y1 = 490
x2 = 0
y2 = 250
xb = 500
yb = 300

dbo = 'left'
dbv = 'down'

scorep1 = 0
scorep2 = 0

vel_bal = 2

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
pygame.display.set_caption("My game" + "Score player 1: " + str(scorep1) + " - Score player 2: " + str(scorep2))


def ball():
	"Draw the ball"
	global xb, yb
	pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, GREEN, (xb, yb, 10, 10))

def sprite1(x,y):
	"Draw Player 1"
	pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, (x, y, 50, 10))

def sprite2(x,y):
	"Draw Player 2"
	pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, (x, y, 10, 50))

def move_ball(x,y):
	"The ball moves"
	global xb, yb, dbo, dbv
	if dbo == "left":
		xb -= vel_bal
		if xb < 10:
			dbo = "right"
	if dbv == 'down':
		yb += vel_bal
	if dbv == 'up':
		yb -= vel_bal
		if yb < 10:
			dbv = 'down'
	if dbo == "right":
		xb += vel_bal
		if xb > 480:
			dbo = "left"
def collision():
	global x1, y1 # the player 1 x and y (on the right)
	global x2, y2 # the player 2 x and y (on the left)
	global xb, yb # the ball x and y
	global x, y
	global dbo, dbv, vel_bal
	global scorep1, scorep2
	if dbo == "left":
		if yb > 480:
			if xb >= x and  xb < x + 50:
				print("Collision detected")
				dbv = "up"
				vel_bal = choice([1,2,3])
				pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, (xb, yb, 10, 10))
				xb, yb = 500, 300
				# scorep1 += 10
				pygame.display.set_caption("My game" + "Score player 1: " + str(scorep1) + " - Score player 2: " + str(scorep2))

def move1():
	global y2
	if y2 <= 450:
		if keys[pygame.K_z]:
			y2 += 20
	if y2 > 0:
		if keys[pygame.K_a]:
			y2 -= 20

def move2():
	global y1
	if y1 <= 450:
		if keys[pygame.K_m]:
			y1 += 20
	if y1 > 0:
		if keys[pygame.K_k]:
			y1 -= 20
loop = 1
while loop:
	keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
			loop = 0
	x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
	move_ball(xb, yb)
	screen.fill((0, 0, 0))


Here is what it does at the moment. In the next post we will try to change to code for the better.

PS: the frame rate on the pc is better than what you see on the screen. I am using pygame 2 (go here to install it on python 3.8).

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