Asyncio in Python: simplest example

This is a script to try to understand how asyncio works:

import asyncio

counter = 0

async def talk(name, script):

    print(f"Enters", end = " ")
    for act in script:
        print(f"{name}: {act}")
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
    print(f"{name} exit...\n")

def startloop():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    tasks = [
        loop.create_task(talk("Ross", [
            "I am good",
            "I am better than you",
        loop.create_task(talk("Mark", [
            "Me too!\n",
            "What a stupid guy!\n",
            "I am done\n",
    print("\nThe End")


This is the output, but watch the video to understand what it really does

Enters Ross: I am good
Enters Mark: Me too!

Ross: I am better than you
Mark: Really?

Ross: absolutely
Mark: What a stupid guy!

Ross exit...

Mark: I am done

Mark exit...

The End

Video explanation

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