Coronavirus data with Python (on the web page)

Countries with more confirmed cases outside China

People tasted each day / I tamponi effettuati

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus from the official data. You get the data about the last 5 days each time you hit run in the shell below the code. You will always get the last 5 day, not included today.

Today I am gonna show only the data in the online shell. But, do not worry, here is the code:

<script async src=""></script>

  <div class="exercise">
    <div class="title">

    <div data-datacamp-exercise data-lang="python">
      <code data-type="pre-exercise-code">
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

days = []
days2 = []
for n in range(5, 0, -1):
    day = - timedelta(n)
    days.append(str(day.month) + "/" + str(

month = str(
c = []
def check(what, day):
    url = "{}.csv".format(what)

    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    print(what, end=" ")
    result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="Italy"]["{}/20".format(day)]
    print(list(result)[0], end=" - ")
    if what == "Deaths":

what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" 

for d in days:
    print("{}".format(d), end=": ")
    for w in what:
        check(w, d)

p =, c)
plt.xlabel("days: ")

      <code data-type="sample-code">

      <code data-type="solution"></code>
      <code data-type="sct"></code>
      <div data-type="hint">Just press 'Run'.</div>


We can check some data here. Press RUN to see the graph of the data.

Premere RUN per vedere i dati. Attendi qualche istante.

Confirmed in Italy / Casi confermati in Italia

import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt days = [] days2 = [] for n in range(5, 0, -1): day = - timedelta(n) days2.append(datetime(2020, day.month, days.append(str(day.month) + "/" + str( month = str( c = [] def check(what, day): url = "{}.csv".format(what) df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False) print(what, end=" ") result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="Italy"]["{}/20".format(day)] print(list(result)[0], end=" - ") if what == "Confirmed": c.append(list(result)[0]) what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" for d in days: print("{}".format(d), end=": ") for w in what: check(w, d) print() #sorted(days, key=lambda d: map(int, d.split('/'))) ax = plt.subplot(111), c) ax.xaxis_date() plt.xlabel("days: ") plt.ylabel("Confirmed / positivi") # press RUN below to see the data
Just press 'Run'.

Recovered in Italy / Guariti in Italia

import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt days = [] days2 = [] for n in range(5, 0, -1): day = - timedelta(n) days2.append(datetime(2020, day.month, days.append(str(day.month) + "/" + str( month = str( c = [] def check(what, day): url = "{}.csv".format(what) df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False) print(what, end=" ") result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="Italy"]["{}/20".format(day)] print(list(result)[0], end=" - ") if what == "Recovered": c.append(list(result)[0]) what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" for d in days: print("{}".format(d), end=": ") for w in what: check(w, d) print() #sorted(days, key=lambda d: map(int, d.split('/'))) ax = plt.subplot(111), c) ax.xaxis_date() plt.xlabel("days: ") plt.ylabel("Recovered / guariti") # press RUN below to see the data
Just press 'Run'.

Confirmed in France

import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt days = [] days2 = [] for n in range(5, 0, -1): day = - timedelta(n) days2.append(datetime(2020, day.month, days.append(str(day.month) + "/" + str( month = str( c = [] def check(what, day): url = "{}.csv".format(what) df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False) print(what, end=" ") result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="France"]["{}/20".format(day)] print(list(result)[0], end=" - ") if what == "Confirmed": c.append(list(result)[0]) what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" for d in days: print("{}".format(d), end=": ") for w in what: check(w, d) print() #sorted(days, key=lambda d: map(int, d.split('/'))) ax = plt.subplot(111), c) ax.xaxis_date() plt.xlabel("days: ") plt.ylabel("Confirmed / positivi") # press RUN below to see the data
Just press 'Run'.

Confirmed in South Korea

import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt days = [] days2 = [] for n in range(5, 0, -1): day = - timedelta(n) days2.append(datetime(2020, day.month, days.append(str(day.month) + "/" + str( month = str( c = [] def check(what, day): url = "{}.csv".format(what) df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False) print(what, end=" ") result = df.loc[df["Country/Region"]=="South Korea"]["{}/20".format(day)] print(list(result)[0], end=" - ") if what == "Confirmed": c.append(list(result)[0]) what = "Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deaths" for d in days: print("{}".format(d), end=": ") for w in what: check(w, d) print() #sorted(days, key=lambda d: map(int, d.split('/'))) ax = plt.subplot(111), c) ax.xaxis_date() plt.xlabel("days: ") plt.ylabel("Confirmed / positivi") # press RUN below to see the data
Just press 'Run'.

Confirmed Iran

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