Duga: Doom styled game with Python and pygame

Take a look at the youtube channel of https://www.youtube.com/user/BiuerBoris if you want to see some videos about Duga, a doom styled game (Castle Wolfenstein, actually).

Wolfenstein Castle

This game has been made with Python and the pygame library. It seems very interesting from what we can see in this video. Let’s take a deeper look into the work of this coder that has going on for a couple of years.


I played for something like 5 minutes or more and I think it’s really good. It is smoothin the movements, the soundtrack is really good and gives you the right feelings. Despite the simple game engine it is quite addicting, the gameplay is good.

Where to find it

You can download the 3d game made with Python ‘DUGA’ here (it is a 55,3 mb file, it’s free to download, but the author accepts donations).

The source code, that is what is interesting for us, is here at this link.

Clone it with git (in the cmd, after you installed git)

DUGA Trailer

git clone https://github.com/MaxwellSalmon/DUGA/

Some live action in the game

The video trailer of DUGA

DUGA Trailer
Another image from Duga

Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.