Videogame Flappy bird made with pygame and python

Here is a clone of flappy bird I made last year. The best way to learn to code and to make games is to look at somebody’s else code and try to change something, looking at what is that makes a code work like a game. Flappy bird is quite fun and got a very simple, but addictive logic in the game, so I thought it could be a good way to start learning to make games making something similar. As you will start making games you will see that is not easy to make them and it is abosolutely not easy to make something that will be making you play for a long time with it, so there are many challenges to afford: how to make a game, first of all, but after that: howt to make it addictive, how to get the attention of the player when he has thousands of othere games that he can look after? But, haven’t you noticed that there are a lot of games, but the most of them are very similar and you cannot distinguish one from another? You know, what is more boring than doing always the same stuffs? So, if every game looks like another, you will soon get that you must not follow what others do, but you must make something new that noone did before. That will get the attention of the players, even it’s not easy to make something new, but, as always, there will be always someone who gets a new idea and starts a new trend in games. That one could be you?

Flappy bird clone

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