From Flappy bird to Starflag… with pygame

How to change a gameplay to something different… let’s use what we’ve done until now with Flappy bird clone to make a completely new game experience. For the moment we just change the graphic. Github for this game. Github for flappy bird.

The code… is just the same…

import pygame
from glob import glob
import random

size = w, h = 400, 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((size), 32, 1)
pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Py")

class Sprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, file, x, y):
        global g
        super(Sprite, self).__init__()
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.frames = [load(f[:-4]) for f in glob(file + "*.png")]
        self.image = self.frames[0]
        w, h = self.image.get_size()
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, w, h)
        self.cnt = 0

    def update(self):
        global pipes
        global moveup, gameover
        # when moveup animation's faster
        if not moveup:
            self.cnt += .1
        if self.cnt > len(self.frames) - 1:
            self.cnt = 0
        self.image = self.frames[int(self.cnt)]
        for pipe in pipes:
            if self.rect.colliderect(pipe):
                gameover = 1

class Bg(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, file, x, y):
        global g
        super(Bg, self).__init__()
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.image = load(file)
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 400, 600)

class Pipe(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, file, x, y, pos=0):
        super(Pipe, self).__init__()
        global g, pipes
        self.pos = pos
        self.x = x + 300
        self.y = random.randint(300, 400)
        if pos == 0:
            self.image = load(file)
            self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 52, 320)
            # self.y = random.randint(-400, -200)
            self.image = flip(file)
            self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 52, 320)
            self.rect.bottom = self.y - random.randint(200, 300)

    def update(self):
        self.rect.left -= 1
        if self.rect.left < -100:
            self.rect.left = 400

class Base(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, file, x, y):
        global g

        super(Base, self).__init__()
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.image = load(file)
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 32, 32)

    def update(self):
        self.rect.left -= 1
        if self.rect.left < -400:
            self.rect.left = 399

def load(file):
    return pygame.image.load(file + ".png")

def flip(file):
    return pygame.transform.flip(pygame.image.load(file + ".png"), 0, 1)

def gravity(): += 1

def start():
    global g, pipes, flappy

    g = pygame.sprite.Group()
    Bg("sky2", 0, 0)
    flappy = Sprite("ship6", 50, 300)
    pipes = pygame.sprite.Group()
    Pipe("pipe-green", 100, 300, 0)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 200, 300, 0)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 300, 300, 0)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 400, 300, 0)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 500, 300, 0)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 100, 0, 1)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 200, 0, 1)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 300, 0, 1)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 400, 0, 1)
    Pipe("pipe-green", 500, 0, 1)

    Base("base", 400, 550)
    Base("base", 0, 550)

def main():
    global moveup, gameover
    global g, pipes, flappy

    # jump controlo variables:
    # - after you press
    moveup = 0
    gameover = 0
    # how high can go
    startcounter = 0
    # How hight flappy jumps
    topjump = 30
    # how speed it jumps
    jumpspeed = 2
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    loop = 1
    while loop:

        if moveup:
   -= jumpspeed
            startcounter += 1
            # fly faster
            flappy.cnt += .5
            # print(startcounter)
        if startcounter == topjump:
            startcounter = 0
            moveup = 0

        if gameover:
            moveup = 0
   += 1
            flappy.cnt += 0

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                loop = 0
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    moveup = 1
                    startcounter = 1
                if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                    loop = 0
                if event.key == pygame.K_s:
           = 300

        if not gameover:
            if not moveup:



The next version is here

Space Flag 0.01 – Flappy bird mod…

If you want to see how this game was flappy bird, go here:

Flappy tutorial part 3

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