How to add fx to Matchpair 1.9, a game in Pygame

I am still adding stuff to this game to complete it. Now I added some fx, among other stuff.



These 2 methods of the class Win are responsible of the fx

So, you win, there’s a call to explosion_fx to create 10 particles filling the self.particles list. These list makes the particles appear and transform by the particle_explosion method that is called every frame. When the particles became small the are removed and so the effect is not visible untile next won.

    def explosion_fx(self, r1, c1, r2, c2):     
        for i in range(10):

            # self.particles2.append(
            #     [
            #      [pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0],pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]],
            #      [random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5, random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5],
            #      random.randint(4, 6)])
                 [c1*tile_size + 50, r1*tile_size + 50],
                 [random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5, random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5],
                 random.randint(4, 6)])
                 [c2*tile_size + 50, r2*tile_size + 50],
                 [random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5, random.randint(0, 42) / 6 - 3.5],
                 random.randint(4, 6)])

    def particles_explosion(self, pcolor):
        ''' call this in a for i in range(10) '''
        scale_x = 0
        for particle in self.particles2:
            particle[0][0] += particle[1][0]
            loc_str = str(int(particle[0][0] / tile_size)) + ';' + str(int(particle[0][1] / tile_size))
            # if loc_str in tile_map:
            #     particle[1][0] = -0.7 * particle[1][0]
            #     particle[1][1] *= 0.95
            #     particle[0][0] += particle[1][0] * 2
            particle[0][1] += particle[1][1]
            loc_str = str(int(particle[0][0] / tile_size)) + ';' + str(int(particle[0][1] / tile_size))
            # if loc_str in tile_map:
            #     particle[1][1] = -0.7 * particle[1][1]
            #     particle[1][0] *= 0.95
            #     particle[0][1] += particle[1][1] * 2
            particle[2] -= 0.035
            particle[1][1] += 0.15
            # ======================================= EXPLOSION ================================
            scaling = (100-int(particle[1][1]*10))
            if scaling > 0:
                scale_x = scaling
                pygame.transform.scale(surf_star, (scale_x, scale_x)), 
                (particle[0][0]+25, particle[0][1]+25))
                pygame.transform.scale(, (scale_x, scale_x)), 
                (particle[0][0], particle[0][1]))
                    (scale_x, scale_x)), 
                (particle[0][0], particle[0][1]))
  , pcolor, [int(particle[0][0]), int(particle[0][1])], int(particle[2]))
            if particle[2] <= 0:
            # ====================================== End showing particles when win =============

Here it’s the trigger

when the 10 particles are generated calling self.explosion_fx

To make the animation of the particles, you call, instead, self.particles_explosion(self.color) that takes care of moving the particles, making them smaller and deleting them at the end.

            if self.matches > 0:

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