How to center audio from an mp3 with audio only on the right channel

If you, like me, got an audio interface that records only on one channel, you may want to center the sound for recording of just audio and not music (that is the purpose of the interface I think), you can do it with the great tool that is ffmpeg. Look for my articles about ffmpeg to know how to install it, it’s free and it’s very useful, but it has no interface, so you got to learn the commands. Here I will show you the one to center audio. Here it is and example that is better than a thousand words. It works from right to center, so adapt it to your needs, if your audio is on the left channel instead. Sometimes you got to try with some intuition until it works and then maybe share it with others like I am doing it right now. Remeber, the artificial intelligence isn’t still able to answer to anything, that’s why we still got to help each other.

ffmpeg -i reg.m4a -af "pan=mono|c0=c0" reg_mono2.mp3

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