How to convert all word documents docx to pdf

import os
import win32com.client
import re

path = os.getcwd()
# path = (r'G:\\programmi firmare studenti\\programma firma studenti 20 21\\')
word_file_names = []
word = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
    for f in filenames:  
        if f.lower().endswith(".docx") :
            new_name = f.replace(".docx", ".pdf")
            in_file =(dirpath + '/'+ f)
            new_file =(dirpath + '/' + new_name)
            doc = word.Documents.Open(f"{in_file}")
            doc.SaveAs(new_file, FileFormat = 17)
        if f.lower().endswith(".doc"):
            new_name = f.replace(".doc", ".pdf")
            in_file =(dirpath +'/' + f)
            new_file =(dirpath +'/' + new_name)
            doc = word.Documents.Open(in_file)
            doc.SaveAs(new_file, FileFormat = 17)

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