How to install Pygame in Python 3.9

Finally pygame 2 has been released… so there is no need to install the dev versions. You simply install it with:

pip install pygame

Awesome news… in the 20th anniversary of the most used module to make games with Python that now uses the SDL 2. Touch support, microphone support, automatic window scaling.. and great improvement in frame rate speed. Sounds cool and it is, as I’ve been using the dev versions for some time now.

Video of how to install the latest version dev10

Some tips with pygame

Go here to read pygame cheasheet or pygame tutorials

Pygame cheatsheets

Pygame tutorial


The fonts you can use

You can see all the fonts you can use in pygame going in the cmd and typing this on the mac

python3 -m pygame.examples.font_viewer

In windows you can type python or py.

Music playing

python3 -m pygame.examples.music_drop_fade

Pygame resources on this site



Cheatsheet bird tutorial

Pygame's Platform Game

Other Pygame's posts