How to make a puzzle game with Python by Al Sweigart

This is a very nice yet hard puzzle game by the infamous Al Sweigart author of many books that introduces you into python and pygame. Here you can buy a very nice book for beginners made by this author, if you want to support him. I thought to put the code here, for the coders who are interested in knowing how to use the pygame module to make games with python. So let’s see the code. You can find the tutorial by Sweigart here.

After the code, I will try to make some personal changes to the code and to comment something to make my own tutorial about this and maybe use this as a template for other casual games, with different graphic and rules, so that me and everyone can create easily new incredible and fun games to make at disposal of everyone to learn how to code games and to make fun games to play them actually.

Now, without further ado, let’s get into the original code. Copy this, save it and paste it in a file called, run it and you will see how it works. I will also use to make you test it in the browser, why not. So, what we are waiting for, let’s get into another hot summer code camp with

import random, pygame, sys

from pygame.locals import *

def hhh():

    global a, b


    a = pygame.time.Clock()

    b = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))

    j = 0

    k = 0

    pygame.display.set_caption('Memory Game')

    i = c()

    hh = d(False)

    h = None

    b.fill((60, 60, 100))


    while True:

        e = False

        b.fill((60, 60, 100))

        f(i, hh)

        for eee in pygame.event.get():

            if eee.type == QUIT or (eee.type == KEYUP and eee.key == K_ESCAPE):



            elif eee.type == MOUSEMOTION:

                j, k = eee.pos

            elif eee.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:

                j, k = eee.pos

                e = True

        bb, ee = m(j, k)

        if bb != None and ee != None:

            if not hh[bb][ee]:

                n(bb, ee)

            if not hh[bb][ee] and e:

                o(i, [(bb, ee)])

                hh[bb][ee] = True

                if h == None:

                    h = (bb, ee)


                    q, fff = s(i, h[0], h[1])

                    r, ggg = s(i, bb, ee)

                    if q != r or fff != ggg:


                        p(i, [(h[0], h[1]), (bb, ee)])

                        hh[h[0]][h[1]] = False

                        hh[bb][ee] = False

                    elif ii(hh):



                        i = c()

                        hh = d(False)

                        f(i, hh)




                    h = None



def d(ccc):

    hh = []

    for i in range(10):

        hh.append([ccc] * 7)

    return hh

def c():

    rr = []

    for tt in ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 128, 0), (255, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255)):

        for ss in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'):

            rr.append( (ss, tt) )


    rr = rr[:35] * 2


    bbb = []

    for x in range(10):

        v = []

        for y in range(7):


            del rr[0]


    return bbb

def t(vv, uu):

    ww = []

    for i in range(0, len(uu), vv):

        ww.append(uu[i:i + vv])

    return ww

def aa(bb, ee):

    return (bb * 50 + 70, ee * 50 + 65)

def m(x, y):

    for bb in range(10):

        for ee in range(7):

            oo, ddd = aa(bb, ee)

            aaa = pygame.Rect(oo, ddd, 40, 40)

            if aaa.collidepoint(x, y):

                return (bb, ee)

    return (None, None)

def w(ss, tt, bb, ee):

    oo, ddd = aa(bb, ee)

    if ss == 'a':, tt, (oo + 20, ddd + 20), 15), (60, 60, 100), (oo + 20, ddd + 20), 5)

    elif ss == 'b':

        pygame.draw.rect(b, tt, (oo + 10, ddd + 10, 20, 20))

    elif ss == 'c':

        pygame.draw.polygon(b, tt, ((oo + 20, ddd), (oo + 40 - 1, ddd + 20), (oo + 20, ddd + 40 - 1), (oo, ddd + 20)))

    elif ss == 'd':

        for i in range(0, 40, 4):

            pygame.draw.line(b, tt, (oo, ddd + i), (oo + i, ddd))

            pygame.draw.line(b, tt, (oo + i, ddd + 39), (oo + 39, ddd + i))

    elif ss == 'e':

        pygame.draw.ellipse(b, tt, (oo, ddd + 10, 40, 20))

def s(bbb, bb, ee):

    return bbb[bb][ee][0], bbb[bb][ee][1]

def dd(bbb, boxes, gg):

    for box in boxes:

        oo, ddd = aa(box[0], box[1])

        pygame.draw.rect(b, (60, 60, 100), (oo, ddd, 40, 40))

        ss, tt = s(bbb, box[0], box[1])

        w(ss, tt, box[0], box[1])

        if gg > 0:

            pygame.draw.rect(b, (255, 255, 255), (oo, ddd, gg, 40))



def o(bbb, cc):

    for gg in range(40, (-8) - 1, -8):

        dd(bbb, cc, gg)

def p(bbb, ff):

    for gg in range(0, 48, 8):

        dd(bbb, ff, gg)

def f(bbb, pp):

    for bb in range(10):

        for ee in range(7):

            oo, ddd = aa(bb, ee)

            if not pp[bb][ee]:

                pygame.draw.rect(b, (255, 255, 255), (oo, ddd, 40, 40))


                ss, tt = s(bbb, bb, ee)

                w(ss, tt, bb, ee)

def n(bb, ee):

    oo, ddd = aa(bb, ee)

    pygame.draw.rect(b, (0, 0, 255), (oo - 5, ddd - 5, 50, 50), 4)

def g(bbb):

    mm = d(False)

    boxes = []

    for x in range(10):

        for y in range(7):

            boxes.append( (x, y) )


    kk = t(8, boxes)

    f(bbb, mm)

    for nn in kk:

        o(bbb, nn)

        p(bbb, nn)

def jj(bbb):

    mm = d(True)

    tt1 = (100, 100, 100)

    tt2 = (60, 60, 100)

    for i in range(13):

        tt1, tt2 = tt2, tt1


        f(bbb, mm)



def ii(hh):

    for i in hh:

        if False in i:

            return False

    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':


If you want to install pygame, with python 3.9 for example, do this in the command line

pip install pygame

Ok, now you got everything to run it. Of course you must have Python installed. Go to for that. It’s all free. You find a tutorial about installing pygame here.

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