How to make an omissis quiz with python with an html code output

This is the code to trasform a phrase into an omissis quiz

import re
import random
from random import shuffle

def get_words(phrase:str) -> [list, list]:
	''' return the omissed words in order and shuffled '''
	path = r"(\w*)\*"
	words = re.findall(path, phrase)
	shuffled = words.copy()
	# shuffle(shuffled)
	# print(f"{words=}")
	# print(f"{shuffled=}")
	return words, shuffled

def set_html(shuffled) -> [str, str]:
	html = "<p>"
	for word in shuffled:
		html += word + " "
	doc = html
	html +="</p>"

	# print(html)
	return html, doc

def show_omissis_init(phrase:str, shuffled: list) -> [str, str]:
	for w in shuffled:
		phrase = phrase.replace(w, f"<b style='color:blue'>{w[0]}{'|_'*(len(w)-2)}|{w[-1]}</b>")
	doc = phrase
	phrase = f"<p>{phrase}</p>"
	return phrase, doc

def show_omissis_init_middle(phrase:str, shuffled: list) -> [str, str]:
	for w in shuffled:
		a = random.randrange(1, (len(w) - 1)) # numero a caso di lettera da mostrare
		phrase = phrase.replace(w, f"<b style='color:blue'>{w[0]}{'|_'*len(w[2:a+1])}|{w[a]}{'|_'*len(w[a+1:-1])}|{w[-1]}</b>")
	doc = phrase
	phrase = f"<p>{phrase}</p>"
	return phrase, doc

def show_omissis(phrase:str, shuffled: list) -> [str, str]:
	for w in shuffled:
		phrase = phrase.replace(w, "|"*len(w))
	doc = phrase
	phrase = f"<p>{phrase}</p>"
	return phrase, doc

def output(ph):
	words, shuffled = get_words(ph)
	html, doc = set_html(shuffled)
	html, doc = show_omissis_init_middle(ph2, shuffled)

# Put here the phrase to show without the omissis putting and * after the words to omiss
ph = "Il marketing è la funzione organizzativa* che ha il compito di individuare i target* e trovare il modo migliore per soddisfare* i loro bisogni* e desideri in modo profittevole all’interno di un ambiente competitivo*."
# do not change this. This deletes the *
ph2 = ph.replace("*", "")


This is the output

<p>Il marketing è la funzione <b style='color:blue'>o|_|_|a|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|a</b> che ha il compito di individuare i <b style='color:blue'>t|_|_|_|e|t</b> e trovare il modo migliore per <b style='color:blue'>s|_|d|_|_|_|_|_|_|e</b> i loro <b style='color:blue'>b|_|_|o|_|_|i</b> e desideri in modo profittevole all’interno di un ambiente <b style='color:blue'>c|_|_|_|_|t|_|_|_|_|o</b>.</p>

That if saves as html gives this output

where you got the omissed words with the starting and ending letter and a ramdom letter shown in the middle too.

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