How to record the screen with ffmpeg and python

This is what I use to record the screen. It’s free, fast, lightweight. You got to adapt it to your pc’s devices. Maybe it can help you if you want to do the same thing. You have to install ffmpef.


import os
import glob
import tkinter as tk
# from sounddevice import query_devices

x = 0

def ask():
    file_root = "G:\\video\\"
    filename = input("Nome del file: ")
    filepath = file_root + filename + ".mp4"
    return filepath, file_root

def automatic_name():
    "Crea il nome da solo / ora chiedo il nome del file prima"
    global x

    fld = "G:\\video"
    if not fld + str(x) + ".mp4" in glob.glob(fld + "*.mp4"):
        filename = fld + str(x) + ".mp4"
        x += 1
    filename = fld + filename + ".mp4"
    return filename

def get_mic_name():
    "Uses sounddevice to get the name of the mic in case it changed"
    s = query_devices()
    audio = f"""{s[1]["name"]})"""
    return audio

def radiobutton(root, rbvar, text):
    global radio_cnt

    radio_cnt +=1
    rb = tk.Radiobutton(
    return rb

def label(root, text):
    ck1 = tk.Label(root, text=text)
    return ck1

def print_me():

radio_cnt = 0
def window():

    root = tk.Tk()
    lab = label(root, "Microfono")
    mic = tk.IntVar()
    ck1 = radiobutton(root, mic, "Cuffia")
    ck2 = radiobutton(root, mic, "PC")
    ck3 = radiobutton(root, mic, "trust mic")
    # video res
    lab2 = label(root, "Video resolution")
    video = tk.IntVar()
    ck3 = radiobutton(root, video, "Benq monitor")
    ck4 = radiobutton(root, video, "Acer laptop")

    # so you can just press enter to start recording
    start = tk.Button(root, text="SPACE TO START", command=root.destroy)

    # root.bind("<Escape>", print_me)
    return root, mic.get(), video.get()

def record(filename, mic, video):
    # audio = "Microfono (Logitech USB Headset)"
    # audio = "Stereo Mix (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))"
    # audio = input("Audio 1 (microfono pc) 2 (microfono cuffie)")
    if mic == 1:
        audio = "Microfono (6- Logitech USB Headset)"
    elif mic == 2:
        audio = "Gruppo microfoni (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))"

    elif mic == 3:
    	audio = "Microfono (USB PnP Sound Device)"
    # audio = "Cuffia auricolare (MAJOR II BLUETOOTH Hands-Free AG Audio)"
    print(f"Using {audio}")
    i = f"-i audio=\"{audio}\""
    # video_size = "1366x768"
    if video == 4:
        video_size = "1680x1050" # monitor
    elif video == 5:
        video_size = "1920x1080" # computer laptop
    # added a compressor 15/03/2020
    # Capture both screens
    # i = f"-i video=\"UScreenCapture\":audio=\"{audio}\""
    #Capture one screen
    #screen = "UScreenCapture"
    #screen = "gdigrab"
    screen = "UScreenCapture"

    compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=0.011623:ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000"
    # compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=0.011623:ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000:detection=0:makeup=10^^(7.7/20)"
    # compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=0.089:ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000"
    # compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=0.031623:ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000"
    # compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=10^^(-30/20):ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000"
    # compressor = "-af acompressor=threshold=0:ratio=9:attack=200:release=1000"
    # attenuate 10db at 1000 Hz
    # equalizer = "-af \"equalizer=f=1000:width_type=h:width=200:g=-10\""
    # Apply 2 dB gain at 1000 Hz with Q 1 and attenuate 5 dB at 100 Hz with Q 2:
    # equalizer = "-af \"equalizer=f=1000:t=q:w=1:g=2,equalizer=f=100:t=q:w=2:g=-5\""

    #lowpass at 1000
    # b0 = -8
    b0 = -4

    # b250 = 4
    b250 = 2

    # e1000 = -8
    e1000 = -6

    e4000 = 0
    e16000 = -8
    equalizer = f"-af \"firequalizer=gain_entry='entry(0,{b0});entry(250,{b250});entry(1000,{e1000});entry(4000,{e4000});entry(16000,{e16000})'\""

    # echo = "-af aecho=1:0.3:10:1"
    # echo = "-af aecho=1.0:0.7:10:0.5"
    echo = ""

    # fr = input("Frame rate (10):")
    fr = 10
    hardware = "-c:v h264_nvenc"
    os.system(f"""ffmpeg -y -rtbufsize 200M -f gdigrab -thread_queue_size 1024 -probesize 10M -r {fr} -draw_mouse 1 -video_size {video_size} -i desktop -f dshow -channel_layout stereo -thread_queue_size 1024 {i} {compressor} {equalizer} -c:v libx264 -r 10 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a aac -strict -2 -ac 2 -b:a 128k -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" {echo} "{filename}" """)

# filename = "rtmp://youtube_stream_url/03r8-71q2-yrvm-bbe7"
# print(get_mic_name())

def mk_bat(cmd):
    command = "py -m " + cmd
    with open(root + cmd + ".bat", "w") as file:

# # Create the join.bat program
# command = "py -m joinmp4"
# with open(root + "join.bat", "w") as file:
#     file.write(command)

# create the frame rate program
# mk_bat("joinmp4")
# mk_bat("framerate")

# with open("c:\\users\\giova\\desktop\\ffmpeg_open.bat", "w") as file:
#     file.write("start " + root)

root, mic, video = window()
filepath, file_root = ask()
record(filepath, mic, video)
# os.startfile("")

os.system("start " + filepath + "/" + file_root)

To see how your devices are called you can use this

ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.