How to show text in pygame when it goes out of the screen

This is an improved script I made to show the frame rate on the screen. Now it contains a function that detects when the text goes out of the screen so that it goes to the next line when it happens.

import pygame

''' Example to show fps with pygame 12.01.2022 - python 3.10 '''

def text_on_screen(content, font, w, h):
	''' Renders content with font '''
	fps_surface = font.render(content, 1, pygame.Color("white"))
	text_width = fps_surface.get_width()
        # the control to go to the next line when is going out of the screen
	if w + text_width > screen.get_width():
		start = 0
		for word in content.split():
			wr = font.render(word + " ", 1, pygame.Color("white"))
			if w + start + wr.get_width() < screen.get_width():
				screen.blit(wr, (w + start, h))
				start += wr.get_width()
				start = 0
				h = h + wr.get_height()
				screen.blit(wr, (w + start, h))
				start += wr.get_width()
		screen.blit(fps_surface, (w, h))

timer = 0 #                                             counter increase each frame
def show_timer(max_frame_rate):
	global timer

	fps = f"Fps: {int(clock.get_fps())}" #               FPS
	fps += f" Timer: {timer//max_frame_rate}" #                      TIMER
	text_on_screen(fps, fps_font, 0, 0) #                       call to blit fps
	timer += 1 #                                        UPDATE COUNTER

def mainloop(max_frame_rate=60):
	''' loop where thing happens every frame '''

	while True:
		screen.fill(0) # clear the screen with black
		text_on_screen("Showing frame rate and timer with pygame and now we are going out of the screen to see if this goes to the next line when it is too long and goes out of the screen", fps_font, 100, 100)
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #                   USER EVENTS HANDLER
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
		clock.tick(max_frame_rate) #                         MAX FRAME RATE (60 is default)
		pygame.display.update() #                            UPDATE DISPLAY

# the engine initialization
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400)) #             the screen surface
size = 20
fps_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", size) #                font
clock = pygame.time.Clock() #                                FRAME RATE OBJECT

The code is also here. Will be updated with new utilities for pygame.

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.