os.listdir(): check for files and folders

Let’s start looking into the os.listdir() function. We will make an utility to check files in our hard drive. Let’s start.

os.listdir() to look for files
import os

Whit this script you can check all the files in
a directory:
- all files
- all files of a type
- all folders
- all folders and files

1. All txt files
listdir(file=1, ftype="txt")

2. All folders
listdir(file=2, ftype="")

3. Folders and files
listdir(file=1, ftype="")

def listdir(file=0, ftype=""):
	''' search in all folder G:'''
	if file == 1: # gets only files
	elif file == 2: # prints only folders
	else: # gets files and folders

def onlyfiles(ftype):
	''' prints only files '''
	if ftype != "": #gets only files of a type
		for f in os.listdir('G:'): # look in all G:
			if ftype == f.split(".")[-1]: # get all same type files
	else: # gets all files

def onlyfolders():
	''' prints only folders '''
	for f in os.listdir("G:"):
		if not os.path.isfile(f):

def both():
	''' prints files and folders '''
	for f in os.listdir("G:"):

listdir(file=1, ftype="txt")

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.