Post on instagram from the Computer with Python in no time

It is annoying not having the chance to use the computer to post on instagram, right? So, here is the solution in Python. Let’s see how to:

This is done with instapy_cli, this vey good module to use instagram through python, avoiding having to open it and post manually. I found this very useful, so I think others will too.

How to install instapy_cli

pip install instapy-cli

Post an image on instagram with python

from instapy_cli import client

username = "username"
password = "**********"
image = 'glitch.png'
text = 'Flask for Python' + '\r\n' + '#glitch #python #gif'
with client(username, password) as cli:
    cli.upload(image, text)

The github repository of instapy_cli

instapy_cli module

There are many modules about instagram. I tried this and it’s very good, so I post here the link to the repository on github to follow its evolution:


Here it’s the folder with the examples_

Upload a video

from instapy_cli import client

username = 'USERNAME'
password = 'PASSWORD'
video = 'docs/video-sample-upload.mp4'
text = 'This will be the caption of your video.' + '\r\n' + 'You can also use hashtags! #hash #tag #now'

with client(username, password) as cli:
    cli.upload(video, text)

Upload a photo story

from instapy_cli import client

username = 'USERNAME'
password = 'PASSWORD'
image = 'docs/image-story-sample.jpg'

with client(username, password) as cli:
    cli.upload(image, story=True)

Upload photo stories

import time
from instapy_cli import client

username = 'USERNAME'
password = 'PASSWORD'
image = 'docs/image-story-sample.jpg'

image_files = ['docs/image-story-sample.jpg', 'docs/image-story-2.jpg', 'docs/image-story-3.jpg', 'docs/image-story-4.jpg']

with client(username, password) as cli:
    for i in range(0, len(image_files)):
        print('image: ', image_files[i])
        res = cli.upload(image_files[i], story=True)
        print('IG: >> ', res)


I was not able to send a video, so I searched in the issues forum of instapy_cli and I found this solution:

go in the file (go in packages-sites folder of the installation of python*) and write

import magic

If you do nnot have magic

pip install python-magic-bin

Then, always in change the code in the check_type method (32 line or something like that) and comment the line that is there and add the two lines you see below:

    def check_type(self):
        #self.media_ext = filetype.guess(self.media_path).extension
        self.media_ext = magic.from_file(self.media_path,mime=True)
        self.media_ext=  self.media_ext.split('/')[1]

I found the solution at this link here

This worked for me.

If you want to go further in the detail of this go to this post I made recently.
