Pygame Editor 1.4: use the map in a real game (1)

The new version 1.4 of the Pygame map editor comes with the first attempt to use it into an actual game called flash. Let’s see what is this about.

We will use the map stored into a game… isn’t it cool?

The video of the map maker and the game that uses the map

The code to get the map created into the game

The game is not yet ready, but with this code we take a pickle file created with the map editor and show the map in the future game. Pratically we:


# theflash
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import pickle
import os
import sys
from glob import glob

WSIZE = (928, 512)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WSIZE))
display = pygame.Surface((W // 2, H // 2))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

def load_images(folder: str) -> list:
    "Load tiles from a folder... with a number at the end"
    listtiles2 = [x for x in glob(folder + "2\\*.png")]
    tile2 = [pygame.image.load(x) for x in listtiles2]
    return tile2

def load_map(filename: str, mp1: list):
    "Resume a list with the data (letter) for the tiles to be displayed on display surface"
    if filename in os.listdir():
        with open(filename, "rb") as file:
            mp = pickle.load(file)
        mp = mp1
    return mp

def showmap(mp1):
    "Take the map list with letters and blit them as tiles on the display surface"
    for y, line in enumerate(mp1):
        for x, c in enumerate(line):
            for n, l in enumerate(letters):
                if c == l:
                    display.blit(tile[n], (x * 16, y * 16))

# calls the function to load tiles from imgs2/
tile = load_images("imgs")
# create a list of all letters corrisponding to the tiles with images from imgs2 folder
alphab = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.,:;@#°^[]<>()&%$£€ABC1234567890òàèéù+-ì={}§!?/|"
letters = [x for x in alphab[0:len(tile)]]
map2 = []
# Stores a list with letters = tiles from pkl file (created with pygame map editor)
map2 = load_map("last_map2.pkl", map2)

loop = 1
# This blit all the tiles on the display surface
while loop:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == QUIT:
            loop = 0
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                loop = 0
    # the display surface is scaled as the screen (being the half of screen size)
    screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, WSIZE), (0, 0))



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