Pygame_book- Part 2

Welcome to the second part of pygame_book, the first book to make videogames with pygame that is completely open and built into a python script that makes you navigate throught the different chapters being costantly updated and full of examples understandable by humans.

Ok, let’s display something on the screen surface

We saw, the first part, something like this (let’s call this If you want to go the repository for these files, go to

In this repository you will also find a script called pygame_book that lets you navigate through the files and that will become a manual to create a 2d platformer.

# Thi is imported by
import pygame as pg

class Game:

	def __init__(self, w, h):
		"Initialize main surface (screen) and starting the loop"
		self.w = w
		self.h = h
		self.size = w, h
		self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(self.size)

	def close_window(self, event, game):
		"Close the window with the x button or Esc"
		quit = event.type == pg.QUIT
		escape = event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE
		if quit or escape:
			game = 0
		return game

	def loop(self):
		"The loop that make the game go on"
		game = 1
		while game:
			for event in pg.event.get():
				game = self.close_window(event, game)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    game = Game(16*50, 16*50)

The result was this

an empty window

Let’s use this from another module

Now we want to load this script from another one, so that we do not have too many lines of code in the main one. Let’s call this with this code.

needs the (aka in the scripts folder

from game import Game

game = Game(400, 400)

So, now we have the module that imports the class Game from

This video will make everything clear

Ok, a video is better than a thousand words, so let’s see what I want to do in this project.

So I am using the code from this other project: that let’s you create a browser for your files to take memo of what you are doing. This project is also a work in progress, so expect various bugs. It is a GUI made with tkinter (post about it).

See ya in the next videos about pygame, tkinter and kivy.

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