Python 3.11 and its 7 new features

Python 3.11 is here or almost here and has some new features that are discussed in the following video. Most important thing is: Python will be faster! Enjoy.

  1. tomllib is part of the python standard library (for configuration files)
  2. exceptions notes
  3. tracebacks are more precise
  4. new lyteral string type
  5. Self type
  6. StrEnum
  7. Improved performance

Exception notes

exception notes

Tracebacks more precise

New literal string type

0:00 Intro 1:07 Tomllib 2:18 Exception notes 3:21 Tracebacks are more precise 3:57 New LiteralString type 5:01 Self type 6:41 StrEnum type 7:40 Improved performance

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