Python and Powerpoint 3.0

I made some changes in the script to create a powerpoint slides with python (through python-pptx). I think that is more readable (IMO) and so, here it is, with an example that explain itself.

from pptx import Presentation
import os

prs = Presentation()
layout = prs.slide_layouts[1]

def create_slides(filename, content):
    content = content.splitlines()
    for s in content:
        if "#" in s:
            tit, cont = s.split("#")
            slide = prs.slides.add_slide(layout)
            slide.shapes.title.text = tit
            slide.placeholders[1].text = cont

content = """Python and Powerpoint # You can make great stuffs with Python to manipulate Powerpoint

Python pptx # You need to install python-pptx first

Create a new file # import Presentation from pptx and then create an istance of the class Presentation

Choose a layout # Powerpoint had different layouts for slides, use prs.layouts[1], it is the most generic

Create a new slide # Use the name of the istance (ex: prs) followed by .slides.add_slide(layout), where layout comes from layout = prs.slide_layouts[1], as I said in the previous slide

Title # add it with slide.shapes.title.text = "Some title"

subtitle # add it with slide.placeholders[1].text = "Some content"

filename = create_slides("Example.pptx", content)

Live coding video to make slides in powerpoint with Python

The slides output:

Adding the same image on each page

In case you want to make a sort of template for each image, you can add this line to the code above:

slide.shapes.add_picture("python.png", 0, 0)

The whole code

from pptx import Presentation
import os

prs = Presentation()
layout = prs.slide_layouts[1]

def create_slides(filename, content):
    content = content.splitlines()
    for s in content:
        if "#" in s:
            tit, cont = s.split("#")
            slide = prs.slides.add_slide(layout)
            slide.shapes.title.text = tit
            slide.placeholders[1].text = cont
            slide.shapes.add_picture("python.png", 0, 0)

content = """Python and Powerpoint # You can make great stuffs with Python to manipulate Powerpoint

Python pptx # You need to install python-pptx first

Create a new file # import Presentation from pptx and then create an istance of the class Presentation

Choose a layout # Powerpoint had different layouts for slides, use prs.layouts[1], it is the most generic

Create a new slide # Use the name of the istance (ex: prs) followed by .slides.add_slide(layout), where layout comes from layout = prs.slide_layouts[1], as I said in the previous slide

Title # add it with slide.shapes.title.text = "Some title"

subtitle # add it with slide.placeholders[1].text = "Some content"

filename = create_slides("Example.pptx", content)

the output

How to insert in image in a placeholder

from pptx import Presentation
import os

prs = Presentation()

class MySlide:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.layout = prs.slide_layouts[data[3]]
        if data[2] != "":

slides = [
    ["USA Weather",       #data[0]
    ["Malaysia Weather",       #data[0]
    ["China Weather",       #data[0]
     "This is a brown Fox",

for each_slide in slides:


Python and Powerpoint

Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.