Python ebook maker 3

I am trying to make an app to create ebooks with Python. This app needs to be simple, but efficient. I am gonna recap what I have done until now, remaking all the code from scratch to the point where the user can read all the text files stored in a folder. The next step will be to be able to save the modifications made to the files in the text editor inside the app iteself.

The code, redone, is this:

import tkinter as tk
import glob

class Ebook:
	def __init__(self, root):
		"""Define window for the app"""
		self.root = root
		self.root["bg"] = "coral"

	# Widgets on the left ===============|
	def left_menu(self):
		"""List of files in the folder"""
		self.frame1 = tk.Frame(self.root)
		self.frame1["bg"] = "coral"
		self.frame1.pack(side='left', fill=tk.Y)
		self.lstb = tk.Listbox(self.frame1, width=30)
		self.lstb['bg'] = "black"
		self.lstb['fg'] = 'gold'
		self.lstb.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)
		self.lstb.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda x: self.show_text())

	def editor(self):
		self.text = tk.Text(self.root)
		self.text['bg'] = "darkgreen"
		self.text['fg'] = 'white'
		self.text['font'] = "Arial 24"
		self.text.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)

	def insert_files(self):
		"""Insert file names in the list on the left"""
		files = glob.glob("data\\*.txt")
		for file in files:
			self.lstb.insert(tk.END, file)

	def show_text(self):
		"""Shows text of selected file"""
		noi = self.lstb.curselection()[0]
		filename = self.lstb.get(noi)
		fn = self.opentext(filename)
		self.text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
		self.text.insert(tk.END, fn)

	def opentext(self, fname):
		with open(fname) as file:
			file =
		return file

root = tk.Tk()
app = Ebook(root)
app.root.title("Ebook maker")

I divided the class Ebook (previosly called Notepad) in more methods, so that is easier to find the code for the single widgets. Until now the widgets are just two:

The listbox (lstb) is in the frame called frame1. The text is ‘in’ the root.

That is. Very simple. See the fast live code below:

Before we go on… let’s simplify the code

A little code adjustment to make it more “simple” to read.

import tkinter as tk
import glob

class Ebook:
	def __init__(self, root):
		"""Define window for the app"""
		self.root = root
		self.root["bg"] = "coral"

	# Widgets on the left ===============|
	def menu(self):
		"""Listbox on the left with file names"""
		self.frame1 = tk.Frame(self.root)
		self.frame1["bg"] = "coral"
		self.frame1.pack(side='left', fill=tk.Y)
		self.lstb = tk.Listbox(self.frame1, width=30)
		self.lstb['bg'] = "black"
		self.lstb['fg'] = 'gold'
		self.lstb.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)
		# ========= insert files name ==========
		files = glob.glob("lezioni\\*.txt")
		for file in files:
			self.lstb.insert(tk.END, file)
		# ===== show text on select ============
		self.lstb.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda x: self.show_text_in_editor())

	def show_text_in_editor(self):
		"""Shows text of selected file in the editor"""
		index = self.lstb.curselection()[0]
		filename = self.lstb.get(index)
		with open(filename) as file:
			content =
		self.text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
		self.text.insert(tk.END, content)

	def editor(self):
		"""The text where you can write"""
		self.text = tk.Text(self.root)
		self.text['bg'] = "darkgreen"
		self.text['fg'] = 'white'
		self.text['font'] = "Arial 24"
		self.text.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	root = tk.Tk()
	app = Ebook(root)

I think that now the code is better, because there are just three methods in the Ebook class:

I included some methods into the menu method, because they contained code that belonged to the listbox.