Python math 3 – random exercizes on proportions


A method in the class to make random exercizes. The github repository:

The code

# python_math 1
# proportions
import random
import os

class Prop:
    def __init__(self, prop):
        '''This is how you put the argument e1 : e2 = m1 : m2 
        ie: 12 : 3 = 36:9
        self.proportion = prop
        # replace = with :
        prop = prop.replace("=", ":")
        # create a list with the numbers, splitting by the ':'
        self.prop = prop.split(":")
        # converts strings into integers and x to None
        for n, x in enumerate(self.prop):
            if x.strip() == "x":
                self.prop[n] = None
                self.prop[n] = int(x)
        # memorize in memorable names the extrem and medium terms
        e1, m1, m2, e2 = self.prop
        self.e1 = e1
        self.e2 = e2
        self.m1 = m1
        self.m2 = m2
        self.cnt = 1

    def calculate_x(self):
        "Call this from the istance to find the incognito"
        # Depending on what is None (incognito), it finds it with the other 3
        if self.e1 is None:
            res = self.m1 * self.m2 / self.e2
        elif self.e2 is None:
            res = self.m1 * self.m2 / self.e1
        elif self.m1 is None:
            res = self.e1 * self.e2 / self.m2
        elif self.m2 is None:
            res = self.e1 * self.e2 / self.m1
        print(f"x = {res}\n")
        return res

    def exercize(self, number, solution=1):
        self.text = ""
        self.text_sol = ""
        for i in range(number):
            print("Exercize n." + str(self.cnt))
            self.ratio = random.randrange(2, 8)
            self.rm1 = random.randrange(100, 1000)
            self.re1 = self.rm1 * self.ratio
            self.rel = random.randrange(9, 14)
            self.re2 = self.rm1 * self.rel
            self.rm2 = self.re2 * self.ratio
            self.list = [self.re1, self.rm1, self.rm2, self.re2]
            index = random.randrange(0, 3)
            self.sol = self.list[index]
            self.list[index] = "x"
            a, b, c, d = [str(x) for x in self.list]
            pstring = "".join([a, " : ", b, " = ", c, " : ", d])
            if solution:
                print("Solution: __________________ = _____")
            self.cnt += 1
            self.text += str(self.cnt - 1) + ") " + pstring
            self.text += "   Sol.: ______________________ = __________\n"
            self.text_sol += str(self.cnt - 1) + ") " + pstring + " - Sol:" + str(self.sol) + "\n"

    def print_exercizes(self):
        with open("esercizi.txt", "w") as file:
        with open("esercizi_sol.txt", "w") as file:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    p1 = Prop("12 : 3 = 36 : x")
    p1.exercize(10, solution=0)

Example of output

12 : 3 = 36 : x
x = 9.0

Exercize n.1
[2736, 684, 30096, 7524]
x : 684 = 30096 : 7524
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.2
[2826, 471, 28260, 4710]
2826 : 471 = x : 4710
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.3
[1856, 464, 20416, 5104]
1856 : x = 20416 : 5104
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.4
[4965, 993, 59580, 11916]
x : 993 = 59580 : 11916
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.5
[5460, 780, 54600, 7800]
x : 780 = 54600 : 7800
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.6
[2898, 414, 31878, 4554]
x : 414 = 31878 : 4554
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.7
[1422, 711, 15642, 7821]
x : 711 = 15642 : 7821
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.8
[5768, 824, 74984, 10712]
5768 : 824 = x : 10712
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.9
[902, 451, 8118, 4059]
x : 451 = 8118 : 4059
Solution: __________________ = _____
Exercize n.10
[2934, 489, 35208, 5868]
x : 489 = 35208 : 5868
Solution: __________________ = _____


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