Pythonista Day 2 and 3

Day 2

Day 3

In this episode, we will see how to stop the player movement when the user stops touching the screen.

	def touch_ended(self, touch):

We use this touch_ended method to stop the action that we called “move_action_key” here:

	def touch_began(self, touch):
		x, y = touch.location
		px, py = self.player.position
		self.move_action = Action.move_to(x, 32, 0.7, TIMING_SINODIAL)
		self.player.run_action(self.move_action, 'move_action_key')

So, this will do the job. The player character moves until we do not touch the screen anymore. Simple like that.

Here is the whole code:

from scene import *
import numpy

class Game(Scene):
	def setup(self):
	def add_ground(self):
		''' the root node. the window object, the main surface '''
	def add_background(self):
		''' the color of the background '''
		self.background_color = '#20106e'
	def add_earth(self):
		''' draw the tiles for the earth under the player '''
		x = 0
		while x < self.size.w + 64: # draw tiles untile the end of the screen
			tile = SpriteNode('plf:Tile_BrickBrown', position=(x, 0))
			x += 64
	def add_player(self):
		self.player = SpriteNode('plf:AlienBeige_front')
		self.player.anchor_point=(0.5, 0)
		self.player.position = (self.size.w//2, 32)
	def touch_began(self, touch):
		x, y = touch.location
		px, py = self.player.position
		self.move_action = Action.move_to(x, 32, 0.7, TIMING_SINODIAL)
		self.player.run_action(self.move_action, 'move_action_key')
	def touch_ended(self, touch):

run(Game(), LANDSCAPE, show_fps=True)

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.