Pythonista: make a game faster

The playlist

Here you will find the playlist of the tutorial about making this game. You can find the official documentation here: .

I am going to add the new videos util the game will be completed. Have fun.

We made a game before with Pythonista. Now, we want to make it even faster, to show how easy is to make a game on the Ipad with this app, Pythonista.

The Ship

First, we create the ship attaching it to the ground Node.

From the documentation:

from scene import *

class MyScene (Scene):
    def setup(self):
        self.background_color = 'midnightblue'
        self.ship = SpriteNode('spc:PlayerShip1Orange')
        self.ship.position = self.size / 2



Movement of the ship with tilting


# import scene
# create a class Game
# def setup
# create a ground Node
# create ship and position
# add ship to ground
# run the Game

from scene import *
import random

class Game(Scene):
	def setup(self):
		ground = Node(parent=self)
		self.ship = SpriteNode('spc:PlayerShip1Blue')
		self.ship.position = self.size.w / 2, 51

# def update
# use gravity and abs(g.y) to change position
# put the limit from 0 to the screen width
	def update(self):
		g = gravity()
		if abs(g.y) > 0.05:
			self.ship.position = max(0, min(self.size.w, self.ship.position.x + g.x * 120)), 51

# create a class Enemy
# import the random module
# if random = create enemy at a random pos		
# make the enemy move

		if random.random() < .01:
			enemy = Enemy(parent=self)
			enemy.position = random.uniform(0, self.size.w), self.size.h+60
					Action.move_by(random.uniform(-100,500), 200, 2),
					Action.move_to(random.uniform(100,500), 500, 2),
					Action.move_to(random.uniform(100,500), 300,2),
class Enemy(SpriteNode):
		def __init__(self, **kwargs):
			SpriteNode.__init__(self,'spc:EnemyRed1', **kwargs)


Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.