Ren’py, visual novel editor in Python


Ren’Py is a popular and versatile visual novel engine that allows developers to create interactive stories, dating sims, and other narrative-driven games.

What is a visual novel engine?

A visual novel is a genre of interactive storytelling that combines elements of narrative, dialogue, and graphics to engage the reader/player in an immersive narrative experience. Visual novel engines provide a platform for developers to design, script, and build interactive stories without having to develop the underlying engine from scratch.

How does Ren’py works with Python?

With its built-in scripting language based on Python, Ren’Py offers a user-friendly environment for creating and customizing games. In this guide, we will explore the basics of using Ren’Py with Python and how to get started on your own visual novel project.

Step 1: Installing Ren’Py:

  1. Visit the Ren’Py website ( and download the latest stable version of Ren’Py for your operating system.
  2. Install Ren’Py by running the downloaded installer and following the instructions provided.

Step 2: Understanding the Ren’Py Directory Structure:

  1. After installation, open the Ren’Py directory. You will find various folders, including “game,” which is where your project files will reside.
  2. The “game” folder contains essential files such as “script.rpy” (the main script file) and “options.rpy” (for configuring game options).

Step 3: Writing Ren’Py Scripts:

  1. Open the “script.rpy” file in a text editor of your choice.
  2. Ren’Py scripts use a simple syntax resembling Python. You can define characters, write dialogues, create choices, and control the flow of the game using Ren’Py statements.
  3. For example, to define a character named “Amy” and display her dialogue, you can use the following code:
define e = Character("Amy")
e "Hello, I'm Amy!"
  1. Ren’Py provides extensive documentation ( with detailed information on available functions and statements.

Step 4: Integrating Python with Ren’Py:

  1. Ren’Py allows you to use Python code within your scripts, enabling more complex interactions and gameplay mechanics.
  2. To include Python code, use the {} notation. For example:
    # Python code here
  1. You can access Ren’Py variables and functions from Python code and vice versa, enabling seamless integration between the two.

Step 5: Running Your Ren’Py Project:

  1. Save your script file and return to the Ren’Py directory.
  2. Launch the Ren’Py launcher and select your project folder.
  3. Click on “Launch Project” to start your game. Ren’Py will compile your scripts and open a window displaying the visual novel.

Step 6: Testing and Debugging:

  1. During development, it’s crucial to test and debug your game. Ren’Py provides a built-in console that can help diagnose issues.
  2. To access the console, press Shift+O during the game. It allows you to interact with variables, execute Python commands, and view error messages.

Step 7: Customizing Your Visual Novel:

  1. Ren’Py offers extensive customization options to enhance the visual and auditory aspects of your game. You can modify the user interface, add images, sounds, music, and more.
  2. Refer to the Ren’Py documentation for detailed instructions on customizing your visual novel (


Ren’Py provides an accessible and powerful platform for creating visual novels and interactive storytelling experiences. By leveraging its Python-based scripting language, you can create engaging narratives, implement complex game mechanics, and bring your creative visions to life. With the fundamentals outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to crafting your own captivating visual novel using Ren’Py and Python. Happy game development!

Launch Ren’py

This is the screen you see when you launch Ren’py.

There are a couple of tutorials: Tutorial and La domanda.

You can select one of the project, for example the “La domanda” project and then click on “Avvia progetto”

This window will show up:

You can instead see the folders where the images must go for the project or the python files to insert the dialogues or the actions.

This, for example, is the folder images for the project “La domanda”

In your project you will put the images you want.

When you start “La domanda”, you see this scene

There is a music in background.

Let’s see the code to see how it works:

  • First Sylvie and Me are defined
  • then in the start “function” the music is played with play music …
  • then there is the bg
  • and then the text (each line is shown after a click of the mouse)
# Declare characters used by this game.
define s = Character(_("Sylvie"), color="#c8ffc8")
define m = Character(_("Me"), color="#c8c8ff")

# This is a variable that is True if you've compared a VN to a book, and False
# otherwise.
default book = False

# The game starts here.
label start:

    # Start by playing some music.
    play music "illurock.opus"

    scene bg lecturehall
    with fade

    "It's only when I hear the sounds of shuffling feet and supplies being put away that I realize that the lecture's over."

    "Professor Eileen's lectures are usually interesting, but today I just couldn't concentrate on it."

    "I've had a lot of other thoughts on my mind...thoughts that culminate in a question."

    "It's a question that I've been meaning to ask a certain someone."

After this there is a new scene, with a new background (bg) and text.

scene bg uni
    with fade

    "When we come out of the university, I spot her right away."

Music is still the same.

Then comes Sylvie

show sylvie green normal
    with dissolve

    "I've known Sylvie since we were kids. She's got a big heart and she's always been a good friend to me."

    "But recently... I've felt that I want something more."

    "More than just talking, more than just walking home together when our classes end."


        "As soon as she catches my eye, I decide..."

        "To ask her right away.":

            jump rightaway

        "To ask her later.":

            jump later

After some text there is a question (menu)

Depending on what you choose it goes to label rightaway or label later, showing a different answer of Sylvie.

If you choose the second answer, for example, it will end soon with a bad ending… return will end the game. Instead if you choose the first answer it could lead ot a good ending. As you see there is also the {b}{/b}tag to show bold text.

Well, if I made you curious, go and check this nice visual novel engine that can easily be used to make nice presentations or quizzes, not only for visual noves.

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.