How to Save data of dictionary in Html file table

This simple script let you save the data in a dictionary as a table into an html file. I made this as an answer to a request to this video.

Python and dictionaries: merging and summing key values
Merging 2 dictionaries

The code to transform data into html table

import os

a = {
	"First" : ["1","2"],
	"Second" : ["1","2","3"] 

data = ""
for k in a:
	data += "<td>" + k + "</td>"
	for d in a[k]:
		data += "<td>" + d + "</td>"
	data += "<tr>"

data = "<table border=1>" + data + "<table>"
with open("file.html", "w") as file:

The output of the code to generate a table in an html file

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