Snake 1.9.8

Snake game update 1.9.8.

This time I added score when the snake eats the terrain. I used a list of zeros 20×20 and if the snake is not out of the border (to avoid going into a out of list error) I check if the position of the head (snake.x and snake.y) has a zero in the list of zeros (I created a class called Square and an istance square that has square.matrix as the name of the list of zeros) it gives a score of 1, then changes the value to 1, so that is counted as a digged place.

            if square.matrix[self.x][self.y] == 0:
                Costants.score += 1
                square.matrix[self.x][self.y] = 1

This is in the check_collision method of the Snake class.

Now the snake leaves a trace when it digs.

Find the whole code on the github repository.

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