Tkinter: maze generator and… a game?

I found this code on a reddit post. I cannot find anymore who did it. This code generates a random labirynth and I added the chance to mode the green square in the labirynth with the awsd keys. Enjoy.

The original code (not mine) to make the maze

from tkinter import *
from random import randint

cell_size = 9 #pixels
ms = 100 # rows and columns
visited_cells = []
walls = []

map = [['w' for _ in range(ms)]for _ in range(ms)]

def create():
    for row in range(ms):
        for col in range(ms):
            if map[row][col] == 'P':
                color = 'White'
            elif map[row][col] == 'w':
                color = 'black'
            draw(row, col, color)

def draw(row, col, color):
    x1 = col*cell_size
    y1 = row*cell_size
    x2 = x1+cell_size
    y2 = y1+cell_size
    ffs.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=color)

def check_neighbours(ccr, ccc):
    neighbours = [[ccr, ccc-1, ccr-1, ccc-2, ccr, ccc-2, ccr+1, ccc-2, ccr-1, ccc-1, ccr+1, ccc-1], #left
                [ccr, ccc+1, ccr-1, ccc+2, ccr, ccc+2, ccr+1, ccc+2, ccr-1, ccc+1, ccr+1, ccc+1], #right
                [ccr-1, ccc, ccr-2, ccc-1, ccr-2, ccc, ccr-2, ccc+1, ccr-1, ccc-1, ccr-1, ccc+1], #top
                [ccr+1, ccc, ccr+2, ccc-1, ccr+2, ccc, ccr+2, ccc+1, ccr+1, ccc-1, ccr+1, ccc+1]] #bottom
    visitable_neighbours = []           
    for i in neighbours:                                                                        #find neighbours to visit
        if i[0] > 0 and i[0] < (ms-1) and i[1] > 0 and i[1] < (ms-1):
            if map[i[2]][i[3]] == 'P' or map[i[4]][i[5]] == 'P' or map[i[6]][i[7]] == 'P' or map[i[8]][i[9]] == 'P' or map[i[10]][i[11]] == 'P':
    return visitable_neighbours


scr = randint(1, ms)
scc = randint(1, ms)
start_color = 'Green'
ccr, ccc = scr, scc

map[ccr][ccc] = 'P'
finished = False
while not finished:
    visitable_neighbours = check_neighbours(ccr, ccc)
    if len(visitable_neighbours) != 0:
        d = randint(1, len(visitable_neighbours))-1
        ncr, ncc = visitable_neighbours[d]
        map[ncr][ncc] = 'P'
        visited_cells.append([ncr, ncc])
        ccr, ccc = ncr, ncc
    if len(visitable_neighbours) == 0:
            ccr, ccc = visited_cells.pop()
            finished = True

window = Tk()
canvas_side = ms*cell_size
ffs = Canvas(window, width = canvas_side, height = canvas_side, bg = 'grey')

draw(scr, scc, start_color)

The ‘new’ code to navigate through the maze

it would be nice if someone could make a 3d way to navigate it.

from tkinter import *
from random import randint

cell_size = 12 #pixels
ms = 50 # rows and columns
visited_cells = []
walls = []
revisited_cells = []

# creates a list with 50 x 50 "w" items
map = [['w' for _ in range(ms)] for _ in range(ms)]

def create():
    "Create a rectangle with draw function (below) with random color"
    for row in range(ms):
        for col in range(ms):
            if map[row][col] == 'P':
                color = 'White'
            elif map[row][col] == 'w':
                color = 'black'
            draw(row, col, color)

def draw(row, col, color):
    x1 = col * cell_size
    y1 = row * cell_size
    x2 = x1 + cell_size
    y2 = y1 + cell_size
    ffs.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=color)

def check_neighbours(ccr, ccc):
    neighbours = [[
        ccc - 1,
        ccr - 1,
        ccc - 2,
        ccc - 2,
        ccr + 1,
        ccc - 2,
        ccr - 1,
        ccc - 1,
        ccr + 1,
        ccc - 1

# left
                [ccr, ccc + 1, ccr - 1, ccc + 2, ccr, ccc + 2, ccr + 1, ccc + 2, ccr - 1, ccc + 1, ccr + 1, ccc + 1], #right
                [ccr - 1, ccc, ccr - 2, ccc - 1, ccr - 2, ccc, ccr - 2, ccc + 1, ccr - 1, ccc - 1, ccr - 1, ccc + 1], #top
                [ccr + 1, ccc, ccr + 2, ccc - 1, ccr + 2, ccc, ccr + 2, ccc + 1, ccr + 1, ccc-1, ccr + 1, ccc + 1]] #bottom
    visitable_neighbours = []           
    for i in neighbours:                                                                        #find neighbours to visit
        if i[0] > 0 and i[0] < (ms-1) and i[1] > 0 and i[1] < (ms-1):
            if map[i[2]][i[3]] == 'P' or map[i[4]][i[5]] == 'P' or map[i[6]][i[7]] == 'P' or map[i[8]][i[9]] == 'P' or map[i[10]][i[11]] == 'P':
    return visitable_neighbours


# starting color of row
scr = randint(1, ms)
# starting random column
scc = randint(1, ms)
start_color = 'Green'
# memorize row and column of the starting rectangle
# current color row and current color column
ccr, ccc = scr, scc
x1 = ccr * 12
y1 = ccc * 12
print(scr, scc)
print(ccr, ccc)

map[ccr][ccc] = 'P'
loop = 1
while loop:
    visitable_neighbours = check_neighbours(ccr, ccc)
    if len(visitable_neighbours) != 0:
        d = randint(1, len(visitable_neighbours))-1
        ncr, ncc = visitable_neighbours[d]
        map[ncr][ncc] = 'P'
        visited_cells.append([ncr, ncc])
        ccr, ccc = ncr, ncc
    if len(visitable_neighbours) == 0:
            ccr, ccc = visited_cells.pop()
            revisited_cells.append([ccr, ccc])

            loop = 0

window = Tk()
canvas_side = ms*cell_size
ffs = Canvas(window, width = canvas_side, height = canvas_side, bg = 'grey')

y1 = scr * cell_size 
x1 = scc * cell_size
draw(scr, scc, start_color)
e = randint(1, len(revisited_cells))-1
ecr = revisited_cells[e][0]
ecc = revisited_cells[e][1]
end_color = 'red'
draw(ecr, ecc, end_color)
# print(revisited_cells)

def draw_rect():
    ffs.create_rectangle((x1, y1, x1 + 12, y1 + 12), fill="green")

def del_rect():
    ffs.create_rectangle((x1, y1, x1 + 12, y1 + 12), fill="white")

def move(event):
    global x1, y1
    # print(event.char)
    col = w = x1//cell_size
    row = h = y1//cell_size
    print("before", map[row][col])
    if event.char == "a":
        if map[row][col - 1] == "P":
            x1 -= cell_size
    elif event.char == "d":
        if map[row][col + 1] == "P":
            x1 += cell_size
    elif event.char == "w":
        if map[row - 1][col] == "P":
            y1 -= cell_size
    elif event.char == "s":
        if map[row + 1][col] == "P":
            y1 += cell_size

    col = w = x1//cell_size
    row = h = y1//cell_size
    print(w, h)
    print("after", map[row][col])

window.bind("<Key>", move)


Adding sounds with pygame

from tkinter import *
from random import randint
import pygame as pg

# The use of sounds from pygame ===
def music_init():
    "Initialize sounds avoiding delay"
    pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 512)
    pg.mixer.init(22050, -16, 2, 512)

def game_sounds():
    "Loads the sounds for the game"
    sounds_list = ("fire", "hit")
    sound_dic = {}
    for sound in sounds_list:
        sound_path = f"audio/{sound}.wav"
        sound_dic[sound] = pg.mixer.Sound(sound_path)
    return sound_dic

sounds_dic = game_sounds()
sound =
# end of code for init sounds

cell_size = 12 #pixels
ms = 50 # rows and columns
visited_cells = []
walls = []
revisited_cells = []

# creates a list with 50 x 50 "w" items
map = [['w' for _ in range(ms)] for _ in range(ms)]

def create():
    "Create a rectangle with draw function (below) with random color"
    for row in range(ms):
        for col in range(ms):
            if map[row][col] == 'P':
                color = 'White'
            elif map[row][col] == 'w':
                color = 'black'
            draw(row, col, color)

def draw(row, col, color):
    x1 = col * cell_size
    y1 = row * cell_size
    x2 = x1 + cell_size
    y2 = y1 + cell_size
    ffs.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=color)

def check_neighbours(ccr, ccc):
    neighbours = [[
        ccc - 1,
        ccr - 1,
        ccc - 2,
        ccc - 2,
        ccr + 1,
        ccc - 2,
        ccr - 1,
        ccc - 1,
        ccr + 1,
        ccc - 1

# left
                [ccr, ccc + 1, ccr - 1, ccc + 2, ccr, ccc + 2, ccr + 1, ccc + 2, ccr - 1, ccc + 1, ccr + 1, ccc + 1], #right
                [ccr - 1, ccc, ccr - 2, ccc - 1, ccr - 2, ccc, ccr - 2, ccc + 1, ccr - 1, ccc - 1, ccr - 1, ccc + 1], #top
                [ccr + 1, ccc, ccr + 2, ccc - 1, ccr + 2, ccc, ccr + 2, ccc + 1, ccr + 1, ccc-1, ccr + 1, ccc + 1]] #bottom
    visitable_neighbours = []           
    for i in neighbours:                                                                        #find neighbours to visit
        if i[0] > 0 and i[0] < (ms-1) and i[1] > 0 and i[1] < (ms-1):
            if map[i[2]][i[3]] == 'P' or map[i[4]][i[5]] == 'P' or map[i[6]][i[7]] == 'P' or map[i[8]][i[9]] == 'P' or map[i[10]][i[11]] == 'P':
    return visitable_neighbours


# starting color of row
scr = randint(1, ms)
# starting random column
scc = randint(1, ms)
start_color = 'Green'
# memorize row and column of the starting rectangle
# current color row and current color column
ccr, ccc = scr, scc
x1 = ccr * 12
y1 = ccc * 12
print(scr, scc)
print(ccr, ccc)

map[ccr][ccc] = 'P'
loop = 1
while loop:
    visitable_neighbours = check_neighbours(ccr, ccc)
    if len(visitable_neighbours) != 0:
        d = randint(1, len(visitable_neighbours))-1
        ncr, ncc = visitable_neighbours[d]
        map[ncr][ncc] = 'P'
        visited_cells.append([ncr, ncc])
        ccr, ccc = ncr, ncc
    if len(visitable_neighbours) == 0:
            ccr, ccc = visited_cells.pop()
            revisited_cells.append([ccr, ccc])

            loop = 0

window = Tk()
canvas_side = ms*cell_size
ffs = Canvas(window, width = canvas_side, height = canvas_side, bg = 'grey')

y1 = scr * cell_size 
x1 = scc * cell_size
draw(scr, scc, start_color)
e = randint(1, len(revisited_cells))-1
ecr = revisited_cells[e][0]
ecc = revisited_cells[e][1]
end_color = 'red'
draw(ecr, ecc, end_color)
# print(revisited_cells)

def draw_rect():
    ffs.create_rectangle((x1, y1, x1 + 12, y1 + 12), fill="green")

def del_rect():
    ffs.create_rectangle((x1, y1, x1 + 12, y1 + 12), fill="white")

def move(event):
    global x1, y1
    # print(event.char)
    col = w = x1//cell_size
    row = h = y1//cell_size
    print("before", map[row][col])
    if event.char == "a":
        if map[row][col - 1] == "P":
            x1 -= cell_size
    elif event.char == "d":
        if map[row][col + 1] == "P":
            x1 += cell_size

    elif event.char == "w":
        if map[row - 1][col] == "P":
            y1 -= cell_size
    elif event.char == "s":
        if map[row + 1][col] == "P":
            y1 += cell_size

    col = w = x1//cell_size
    row = h = y1//cell_size
    print(w, h)
    print("after", map[row][col])

window.bind("<Key>", move)



Tkinter test for students

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