Tkinter new calculator

Hi, some days ago I made this code for a calculator app made with tkinter:

CalcPy 2.0 – The second and final part of calculator

CalcPy 2.0 – The second and final part of calculator

The calculator looked like this

Now I decided to make some restyling of the GUI, as I am doing some posts about making nicer buttons with tkinter. Here is my last post about buttons:

Tkinter nice buttons

Tkinter nice buttons

Before I start using images for the buttons, though, I want to use just the color arguments into the regular class of tkinter for the buttons. So I made this changes you can see in this image below:

I wish you like it. In another post we will make something a little different with the buttons. This is the code for the new colore GUI of the calculator app:

# custom made buttons for tkinter
import tkinter as tk

counter = 0
crow = 0
mem1 = ""
mem2 = ""
mop = ""

def setEntry(value):
    global esv
    global mem1
    global mem2
    global mop


    if value == "C":
        v = esv.get()
        v += value

        # when you press this... you must put the value in mem1
        # but you must not add other values
        if value in "+-x:":
            mop = value
            print("mop", mop)
            mem1 = v.replace(value, "")

        elif value == "=":
            mem2 = v.replace("=", "")
            print("mem", mop)
            if mop == "x":
                mop = "*"
            if mop == ":":
                mop = "/"
            result = eval(f"{float(mem1)} {mop} {float(mem2)}")
            mem1 = result
        # Here is when user digit a number
            # it is the first number, mem it and show it
            if mem1 == "":
                mem1 = value
            # the second number show the first and the second, memorize it
            elif mop == "":
                value = str(mem1) + value
                mem1 = value
            if mem1 == mem2:
                value = str(mem2) + value
                mem2 = value

def Button(text):
    global counter
    global crow
    global entry
    global esv

    # b = button(1, 10, text, "red", None)
    b = tk.Button(root, text=text)
    b["bg"] = "red"
    b["fg"] = "white"
    b["font"] = "arial 30"
    root.columnconfigure(counter, weight=1)
    root.rowconfigure(crow, weight=1)
    b["command"] = lambda: setEntry(b["text"])
    if b["text"] in "-+:x":
        b["bg"] = "darkred"
    if b["text"] in "C":
        b["bg"] = "yellow"
        b["fg"] = "green"
    if b["text"] == "=":
        b["bg"] = "green"
            row=1 + crow, column=counter,
            columnspan=3, sticky="nswe", ipady=0, ipadx=0)
        b.grid(row=1 + crow, column=counter, sticky="nswe", ipady=0, ipadx=0)
    counter += 1
    if counter > 2:
        crow += 1
        counter = 0
    return b

def main():
    global root
    global esv
    root = tk.Tk()
    esv = tk.StringVar()
    entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=esv, justify="right")
    entry["font"] = "arial 30"
    entry["bg"] = "cyan"
    entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="nswe")
    for but in [7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6,
                1, 2, 3, 0, "+", "-",
                "C", "x", ":", "="]:


Some new looks in future posts

The next one looks the same as the new one, but it’s made just of images made on the go

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