Use Sublime text 3 integrated with Github

I thought it could be nice to have a better control of my repository on github while I am using Sublime text, so I found that I can use this plugin sublime-github with this process:

Now, if you open a directory where you have a local copy of your github repository, you will see that if there are some modified files that need to be uploaded to the github repository on the web, they got a little blue circle next to it.

If you add the file to commit it

git add .

and then you commit it

git commit -m “Some changes”

and then you push it to github

git push

everything shoud be fine.

In case of problems committing try to do so

git pull

and then try again what I showed above.

How to update github with a batch file

If you want to make thing easier, write this into a .bat file and put the file into the main folder of the github repository

git status
git add .
git commit -m "new stuffs"
git push

When you need to upload all the modified files, you just click onto this file. Is sometimes it has some problem updating the files, because you changed the repository from the web maybe, go and give git pull before you click on this and it should do the job.

That’s all, have fun with Python, Sublime and Github.

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