Worldplat – Pygame videogame in progress

This is what we achieved until now… I am continuing modifying code of this one of dafluffypotato.

import pygame, sys, os
from random import choice, randrange
from pygame.locals import *

def load_animation(path,frame_durations):
    ''' Example:
    animation_database = {} #                        path        frame_durations
    animation_database['run'] = load_animation('player_animations/run',[7,7])
    animation_name = path.split('/')[-1] # it's "run" in the example above
    animation_frame_data = [] # will contain run_0, run_1 i.e. animation_frame_id
    n = 0
    for frame in frame_durations: # frame_durations = [7,7]
        # the following string goes into animation_frame_data
        animation_frame_id = animation_name + '_' + str(n) # run_0 ... 
        img_loc = path + '/' + animation_frame_id + '.png' # path = player_animations/run
        # img_loc = player_animations/run/run:0.png ... in the example
        # player_animations/idle/idle_0.png
        animation_image = pygame.image.load(img_loc).convert() # this is good for frame rate
        animation_image.set_colorkey((255,255,255)) # the color white becomes transparent
        # animation_frames is a dictionary
        # animation_frames["run_0"]
        animation_frames[animation_frame_id] = animation_image.copy()
        for i in range(frame):
            # this will add 7 times run_0 and 7 times run_1
            # this will hold all the name of the frames of the action run in animation_database["run"]
            # for every frame it will show run_0 run_0.... run_1.... so that it last for 7 frames
            animation_frame_data.append(animation_frame_id) # = "run_0"
        n += 1
    return animation_frame_data

fps_list = []
def show_fps():
    ''' shows the frame rate on the screen '''
    fps = f"Fps: {int(clock.get_fps())} WorldPlat" # get the clocl'fps
    # fps_text = str(int(fps))
    # fps_list.append(int(fps))
    # add position of player and number of tiles in memory
    # fps_text += f" {player_rect.x//16}/9000 tiles:{len(tile_rects)}"
    # fps_surface = fps_font.render(fps_text, 1, pygame.Color("white"))
    fps_media = fps_font.render(fps, 1, pygame.Color("white"))
    # blit the background surface
    # blit the text surface on the backgroud
    # display.blit(fps_surface, (0, 0))
    display.blit(fps_media, (0, 0))

def create_map() -> list:
    ''' Map 30 rows x 300 columns generated randomly '''
    # It's called by game_map and is used to blit the map in map_blit()

    data = [] # will contain the rows with 0 and 1 generate randomly
    def generate_map_filled():
        data.append([1 for x in range(300)])
        for row in range(13): # 30 rows of 0 and 1
            data.append([0 for x in range(300)])
        for row in range(5): # 30 rows of 0 and 1
            data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]) for x in range(300)])
        for row in range(5): # 30 rows of 0 and 1
            data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2]) for x in range(300)])
        for row in range(5): # 30 rows of 0 and 1
            data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,0,1]) for x in range(300)])
        for row in range(3): # 30 rows of 0 and 1
            # this sets how many empty spaces there will be
            data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,1]) for x in range(300)])
            # data.append([choice([1]) for x in range(300)])
            data[row][0] = 1
            for x in range(0, 300, 10):
                data[row+1][x] = 0
                data[row+1][x+1] = 0
                data[row+1][x+2] = 0

        # data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,5]) for x in range(300)])
        # the trees and rocks on the first floor
        data.append([choice([0,0,0,0,0,1, 5]) for x in range(300)])
        # the basic floor
        data.append([4 for x in range(300)])

        for d in range(28,33):
            for x in range(20, 30):
                data[d][x] = 1
            for x in range(30, 50):
                data[d][x] = 0

    def generate_path():
        percorso = [] # used to place the brothen on the path
        col = 10 # row
        row = 10
        mem = 0
        while col < 299: # until end of 300 col
            # data[x][d] = 0
            digr = choice([0,1,2])
            if digr == 0 and mem !=2: # goes up
                if row > 1:
                    row -=1 
            if digr == 1: # goes right
                col += 1
            if digr == 2 and mem != 0: # goes down
                if row < 29:
                    row += 1
            mem = digr

            data[row][col] = 0
            percorso.append([row, col])
        return percorso

    def player_space():
        data[10][10] = 0
        data[10][11] = 0

    def coin_place(percorso):
        for i in range(50):
            x, y = choice(percorso)
            data[x][y] = 2
    def brother_place(percorso):
        # data[y] = list(data[y])
        x, y = choice(percorso)
        data[x][y] = 3
        # data[y] = "".join(data[y])
        print(f"my brother is at height:{y} width{x}")

    # map algorhithm
    percorso = generate_path()
    # brother_place(percorso[100:])
    return data

######################### tiles

def map_blit() -> list:
    ''' shows the tiles and make them touchable or not '''

    def touchable(lst, x,y):
        ''' add to the list of tangible object (tiles like dirt_img) '''
        lst.append(pygame.Rect(x * 16, y * 16, 16, 16))

    ''' blits the tiles on the display surface '''
    tile_rects = [] # this will contain the tiles position
    y = 0
    for layer in game_map: # iteration of 0 and 1... space or tile
        x = 0
        for tile in layer:
            right = x*16 < player_rect.x + 200 # 480
            down = y*16 < player_rect.y + 200 #320
            up = y*16 > player_rect.y - 200 # 250
            left = x* 16 > player_rect.x - 200# 200 and y*16 > player_rect.y - 200
            # if player_rect.x - 300 < x*16 < player_rect.x + 300:
            if (right and down):
                if up and left:
                    # ========================== HERE THE TILES ARE SHOWN =========== #

                    if tile == 5: # tree not tangible
                        display.blit(tree_img, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
                    if tile == 4: # grass tangible
                        display.blit(grass_img, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
                        touchable(tile_rects, x, y)
                    if tile == 2:
                        display.blit(coin, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
                        touchable(coin_rects, x, y)

                    if tile == 1: # diplay a tile (eventually shifted with scroll[0])
                        # show(display, dirt_img, x, y)
                        display.blit(dirt_img, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
                        touchable(tile_rects, x, y)
                    if tile == 3:
                        display.blit(brother, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))

                x += 1 # counter for the index in the list of 0 and 1 (game_map)
        y += 1
    return tile_rects, coin_rects

# def map_blit2() -> list:

#     tile_rects = [] # this will contain the tiles position
#     y = 0
#     for layer in game_map: # iteration of 0 and 1... space or tile
#         x = 0
#         for tile in layer:
#             if tile == -1: # grass
#                 display.blit(grass_img, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
#             if tile == 1: # diplay a tile (eventually shifted with scroll[0])
#                 display.blit(dirt_img, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
#                 tile_rects.append(pygame.Rect(x * 16, y * 16, 16, 16))
#             if tile == 3:
#                 display.blit(brother, (x * 16 - scroll[0], y * 16 - scroll[1]))
#                 tile_rects.append(pygame.Rect(x * 16, y * 16,16,16))
#             x += 1 # counter for the index in the list of 0 and 1 (game_map)
#         y += 1
#     return tile_rects

def change_action(action_var,frame,new_value):
    if action_var != new_value:
        action_var = new_value
        frame = 0
    return action_var,frame

def collision_test(rect, tiles):
    hit_list = []
    for tile in tiles:
        if rect.colliderect(tile):
    return hit_list

timer = 0
def move(rect,movement,tiles):
    global timer

    collision_types = {'top':False,'bottom':False,'right':False,'left':False}
    rect.x += movement[0]
    hit_list = collision_test(rect,tiles)
    for tile in hit_list: # if player touches a tile
        # check the side touched
        if movement[0] > 0: # if goes towards right
            rect.right = tile.left # it stays in front of the tile    o| |
            collision_types['right'] = True # it collides on the right
        elif movement[0] < 0: # if goes left
            rect.left = tile.right
            collision_types['left'] = True
    rect.y += movement[1] # vertical movement, continues to fall
    hit_list = collision_test(rect,tiles)
    for tile in hit_list:
        if movement[1] > 0: # if goes down
            rect.bottom = # stays on top oaf the tile
            collision_types['bottom'] = True
            if timer == 1:
                timer += 1
        elif movement[1] < 0:
   = tile.bottom
            collision_types['top'] = True
            if timer == 0:
                timer += 1
    # coin_list = collision_test(rect,coin_rects)
    for coin in coin_rects:
        if coin.colliderect(player_rect):
            # print("coin")
            y, x = coin.y//16, coin.x//16
            game_map[y][x] = 0
    return rect, collision_types

# Let's start here with some initialization stuff

pygame.init() # all starts here

######################################################### SOUNDS ################ SOUNDS *******"tension2.mp3")
click = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/click.ogg")
coin_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/coin_2.wav")
jump = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/jump.wav")
clock = pygame.time.Clock() # for the frame rate (not to go too fast)
pygame.display.set_caption('Pygame Platformer')
WINDOW_SIZE = (900,600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE,0,32)  # Main surface
display = pygame.Surface((300, 200)) # temporary surface to scale on screen
moving_right = False # where is moving
moving_left = False
vertical_momentum = 0 # for the jump
air_timer = 0 # how long the jump is ?

true_scroll = [0,0] # the camera control
game_map = create_map() # 0 and 1... and other numbers for tile
# global animation_frames
# this will have for "run" the img repeated for 7 times each, so that does not go too fast
animation_frames = {} # key = frame name, value = run_0, run_0, ... run_1...
animation_database = {} # database with a key for each action (run and idle)
# the value are the name of the images: run_0, run_1
{"run" : ["run_0", "run_1"]}

animation_database['run'] = load_animation('player_animations/run',[7,7])
# the duration of each frame is different here
animation_database['idle'] = load_animation('player_animations/idle',[7,7,40])

dirt_img = pygame.image.load('dirt.png').convert() # 1
coin = pygame.image.load('coin.png').convert() # 2
brother = pygame.image.load('brother.png').convert() # 3
grass_img = pygame.image.load('grass.png').convert() # 4
tree_img = pygame.image.load('tree.png').convert() # 5
# brother.set_colorkey((255,255,255))
player_action = 'idle'
player_frame = 0
player_flip = False
# starting position
player_rect = pygame.Rect(160, 160, 5, 13)
# some object in background, for the moment I do not show them
# background_objects = [
#     [0.25,[120,10,70,400]],
#     [0.25,[280,30,40,400]],
#     [0.5,[30,40,40,400]],
#     [0.5,[130,90,160,400]],
#     [0.5,[300,80,120,400]]]

# This surfaces are used to cover the images and save frames?
# player_cover = pygame.Surface((5, 13))
# player_cover.fill((0, 0, 0))

# tile_cover = pygame.Surface((32, 32))
# tile_cover.fill((0, 0, 255))

#                             THE LOOP

# mount = pygame.image.load("mountains.png")
# sea = pygame.image.load("sea.png")
fps_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20) # a font for the fps

def steps():
    if timecnt % 16 == 0:

timecnt = 0
while True: # game loop
    timecnt += 1
    display.fill((0,0,0)) # clear screen by filling it with blue
    # screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display2, WINDOW_SIZE), (0,0))
    true_scroll[0] += (player_rect.x-true_scroll[0]-152)/20
    true_scroll[1] += (player_rect.y-true_scroll[1]-106)/20
    scroll = true_scroll.copy()
    scroll[0] = int(scroll[0])
    scroll[1] = int(scroll[1])

    #                ---   parallax  ---

    # pygame.draw.rect(display, (7, 80, 75), pygame.Rect(0, 120, 300, 400))

    #                 --------- BACKGROUND  OBJECTS --------

    # display.blits(blit_sequence=(
    #     (mount, (0, 0)),
    #     # (sea, (0, 120))
    #     ))
    # for background_object in background_objects:
    #     obj_rect = pygame.Rect(
    #         background_object[1][0] - scroll[0] * background_object[0],
    #         background_object[1][1] - scroll[1] * background_object[0],
    #         background_object[1][2],
    #         background_object[1][3])
    #     # THIS IS GREEN
    #     if background_object[0] == 0.5:
    #         pygame.draw.rect(display, (14, 222, 250), obj_rect)
    #         # display.blit(sea, obj_rect)
    #     # THIS IS BLUE
    #     else:
    #         pygame.draw.rect(display, (9, 91, 185), obj_rect)

    # list containing where the tile and coins are, to check collisions in move() method
    coin_rects = []
    tile_rects, coin_rects = map_blit()
    # tile_rects = map_blit()

    player_movement = [0,0]
    if moving_right == True:
        player_movement[0] += 2
    if moving_left == True:
        player_movement[0] -= 2
    player_movement[1] += vertical_momentum
    vertical_momentum += 0.2
    if vertical_momentum > 3:
        vertical_momentum = 3

    if player_movement[0] == 0:
        player_action,player_frame = change_action(player_action,player_frame,'idle')
    if player_movement[0] > 0:
        player_flip = False
        player_action,player_frame = change_action(player_action,player_frame,'run')
    if player_movement[0] < 0:
        player_flip = True
        player_action,player_frame = change_action(player_action,player_frame,'run')

    player_rect, collisions = move(player_rect,player_movement,tile_rects)

    if collisions['bottom'] == True:
        air_timer = 0
        vertical_momentum = 0
        air_timer += 1

    player_frame += 1
    if player_frame >= len(animation_database[player_action]):
        player_frame = 0
    player_img_id = animation_database[player_action][player_frame]
    # the list of animation_frames["run"] is made in load_images
    player_img = animation_frames[player_img_id]

    # display the player not vertically
    # what has scroll... to do with the scroll
    # display.blit(
    #     player_cover,
    #     (player_rect.x - scroll[0], player_rect.y - scroll[1]))
        pygame.transform.flip(player_img,player_flip, False),
        (player_rect.x - scroll[0], player_rect.y - scroll[1]))

    for event in pygame.event.get(): # event loop
        if event.type == QUIT:
        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_SPACE:
                # display.fill((0, 0, 0))
                player_rect.x = 160
                player_rect.y = 160
                game_map = create_map()
            if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                moving_right = True
            if event.key == K_LEFT:
                moving_left = True
            if event.key == K_UP:
                timer = 0
                if air_timer < 6:
                    vertical_momentum = -5
        if event.type == KEYUP:
            if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                moving_right = False
            if event.key == K_LEFT:
                moving_left = False
    screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, WINDOW_SIZE), (0,0))

I added some graphic and some less random tiles.

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