An example with azure new theme for tkinter

azure theme for tkinter
Azure dark mode


Other post about azure

Other themes for tkinter

There are also third-party themes, a list of which can be found here:Themes that use a single tcl file:



# Copyright (c) 2021 rdbende <[email protected]>

# Azure theme is a beautiful modern ttk theme inspired by Microsoft's fluent design.

package require Tk 8.6

namespace eval ttk::theme::azure {

    variable version 0.1
    package provide ttk::theme::azure $version
    variable colors
    array set colors {
        -fg             "#000000"
        -bg             "#ffffff"
        -disabledfg     "#737373"
        -disabledbg     "#ffffff"
        -selectfg       "#000000"
        -selectbg       "#cccccc"

    # I took this function from the arc theme of the Sergei Golovan.
    proc LoadImages {imgdir} {
        variable I
        foreach file [glob -directory $imgdir *.png] {
            set img [file tail [file rootname $file]]
            set I($img) [image create photo -file $file -format png]

    LoadImages [file join [file dirname [info script]] images]

    ttk::style theme create azure -parent default -settings {
        ttk::style configure . \
            -background $colors(-bg) \
            -foreground $colors(-fg) \
            -troughcolor $colors(-bg) \
            -focuscolor $colors(-selectbg) \
            -selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
            -selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
            -fieldbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
            -font TkDefaultFont \
            -borderwidth 1 \
            -relief flat

        ttk::style map . -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]

        # Layouts

        ttk::style layout TButton {
            Button.button -children {
                Button.padding -children {
                    Button.label -side left -expand true

        ttk::style layout Toolbutton {
            Toolbutton.button -children {
                Toolbutton.padding -children {
                    Toolbutton.label -side left -expand true

        ttk::style layout Accentbutton {
            Accentbutton.button -children {
                Accentbutton.padding -children {
                    Accentbutton.label -side left -expand true

        ttk::style layout TCheckbutton {
            Checkbutton.button -children {
                Checkbutton.padding -children {
                    Checkbutton.indicator -side left
                    Checkbutton.label -side right -expand true

        ttk::style layout Switch {
            Switch.button -children {
                Switch.padding -children {
                    Switch.indicator -side left
                    Switch.label -side right -expand true

        ttk::style layout Togglebutton {
            Togglebutton.button -children {
                Togglebutton.padding -children {
                    Togglebutton.label -side left -expand true

        ttk::style layout TRadiobutton {
            Radiobutton.button -children {
                Radiobutton.padding -children {
                    Radiobutton.indicator -side left
                    Radiobutton.label -side right -expand true

        ttk::style layout Vertical.TScrollbar {
            Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {
                Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true

        ttk::style layout Horizontal.TScrollbar {
            Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ew -children {
                Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true

        ttk::style layout TLabelframe {
            Labelframe.border {
                Labelframe.padding -expand 1 -children {
                    Labelframe.label -side right

        ttk::style layout Horizontal.TSeparator {
            Horizontal.separator -sticky nswe

        ttk::style layout Vertical.TSeparator {
            Vertical.separator -sticky nswe

        ttk::style layout TMenubutton {
            Menubutton.button -children {
                Menubutton.padding -children {
                    Menubutton.indicator -side right
                    Menubutton.label -side right -expand true

        ttk::style layout TOptionMenu {
            OptionMenu.button -children {
                OptionMenu.padding -children {
                    OptionMenu.indicator -side right
                    OptionMenu.label -side right -expand true

        ttk::style layout TCombobox {
            Combobox.field -children {
                Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky {}
                Combobox.padding -expand 1 -children {

        ttk::style layout TSpinbox {
            Spinbox.field -children {
                null -side right -sticky {} -children {
                    Spinbox.uparrow -side top
                    Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom
                Spinbox.padding -expand 0 -children {

        ttk::style layout TNotebook.Tab {
   -children {
                Notebook.padding -side top -children {
                    Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}

        ttk::style layout Item {
            Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {
                Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} -children {
                    Treeitem.text -side left -sticky {}

        # Create widgets

        # Button
        ttk::style configure TButton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center

        ttk::style element create Button.button image \
            [list $I(button-basic) \
                {disabled pressed} $I(button-disabled) \
                {focus active} $I(button-accent-hover) \
                disabled $I(button-disabled) \
                pressed $I(button-basic) \
                active $I(button-hover) \
                focus $I(button-accent) \
            ] -border 4 -sticky ewns

        # Toolbutton
        ttk::style configure Toolbutton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center

        ttk::style element create Toolbutton.button image \
            [list $I(empty) \
                {disabled pressed} $I(button-disabled) \
                disabled $I(empty) \
                pressed $I(button-basic) \
                active $I(button-basic) \
            ] -border 4 -sticky ewns

        # Accentbutton
        ttk::style configure Accentbutton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center

        ttk::style element create Accentbutton.button image \
            [list $I(button-accent) \
                {disabled pressed} $I(button-disabled) \
                disabled $I(button-disabled) \
                pressed $I(button-accent) \
                active $I(button-accent-hover) \
            ] -border 4 -sticky ewns

        # Checkbutton
        ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -padding 4

        ttk::style element create Checkbutton.indicator image \
            [list $I(checkbox-unchecked) \
                {selected disabled} $I(checkbox-checked-disabled) \
                disabled $I(checkbox-unchecked-disabled) \
                {pressed alternate} $I(checkbox-third-state-active) \
                {active alternate} $I(checkbox-third-state-hover) \
                alternate $I(checkbox-third-state) \
                {pressed selected} $I(checkbox-checked-active) \
                {active selected} $I(checkbox-checked-hover) \
                selected $I(checkbox-checked) \
                {pressed !selected} $I(checkbox-unchecked-active) \
                active $I(checkbox-unchecked-hover) \
            ] -width 26 -sticky w

        # Switch
        ttk::style element create Switch.indicator image \
            [list $I(switch-off) \
                {selected disabled} $I(switch-on-disabled) \
                disabled $I(switch-off) \
                {pressed selected} $I(switch-on-hover) \
                {active selected} $I(switch-on-hover) \
                selected $I(switch-on) \
                {pressed !selected} $I(switch-off-hover) \
                active $I(switch-off-hover) \
            ] -width 46 -sticky w

        # Togglebutton
        ttk::style configure Togglebutton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center

        ttk::style element create Togglebutton.button image \
            [list $I(button-basic) \
                {selected disabled} $I(button-basic) \
                disabled $I(button-hover) \
                {pressed selected} $I(button-basic) \
                {active selected} $I(button-accent) \
                selected $I(button-accent) \
                {pressed !selected} $I(button-accent) \
                active $I(button-basic) \
            ] -border 4 -sticky ewns

        # Radiobutton
        ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -padding 4

        ttk::style element create Radiobutton.indicator image \
            [list $I(radio-unselected) \
                {selected disabled} $I(radio-selected-disabled) \
                disabled $I(radio-unselected-disabled) \
                {pressed selected} $I(radio-selected-active) \
                {active selected} $I(radio-selected-hover) \
                selected $I(radio-selected) \
                {pressed !selected} $I(scale-slider-pressed) \
                active $I(radio-unselected-hover) \
            ] -width 26 -sticky w

        # Scrollbar
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough image $I(scrollbar-trough-horizontal) \
            -sticky ew

        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb \
             image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-horizontal) \
                disabled $I(scrollbar-trough-horizontal) \
                pressed $I(scrollbar-slider-horizontal-pressed) \
                active $I(scrollbar-slider-horizontal-hover) \
            ] -sticky ew

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.trough image $I(scrollbar-trough-vertical) \
            -sticky ns

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb \
            image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-vertical) \
                disabled  $I(scrollbar-trough-vertical) \
                pressed $I(scrollbar-slider-vertical-pressed) \
                active $I(scrollbar-slider-vertical-hover) \
            ] -sticky ns

        # Scale
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.trough \
            image [list $I(scrollbar-trough-horizontal) \
            ] -border 5 -padding 0

        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.slider \
            image [list $I(scale-slider) \
                disabled $I(scale-slider-disabled) \
                pressed $I(scale-slider-pressed) \
                active $I(scale-slider-hover) \
            ] -sticky {}

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.trough \
            image [list $I(scrollbar-trough-vertical) \
            ] -border 5 -padding 0

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.slider \
            image [list $I(scale-slider) \
                disabled $I(scale-slider-disabled) \
                pressed $I(scale-slider-pressed) \
                active $I(scale-slider-hover) \
            ] -sticky {}

        # Entry
        ttk::style element create Entry.field \
            image [list $I(entry-basic) \
                {focus hover}    $I(entry-active) \
                invalid $I(entry-invalid) \
                disabled $I(entry-basic) \
                focus    $I(entry-active) \
                hover    $I(entry-hover)] \
            -border 5 -padding {6 8} -sticky news

        # Labelframe
        ttk::style element create Labelframe.border image $I(labelframe) \
            -border 5 -padding 4 -sticky news

        # Sizegrip
        ttk::style element create Sizegrip.sizegrip image [list $I(sizegrip)
            ] -sticky ewns

        # Separator
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.separator image $I(separator)

        ttk::style element create Vertical.separator image $I(separator)

        # Menubutton
        ttk::style configure TMenubutton -padding {8 4 4 4}

        ttk::style element create Menubutton.button \
            image [list $I(button-basic) \
                {disabled pressed} $I(button-disabled) \
                disabled $I(button-disabled) \
                pressed  $I(button-basic) \
                active   $I(button-hover) \
            ] -border 4 -sticky news 

        ttk::style element create Menubutton.indicator \
            image [list $I(arrow-down) \
                active   $I(arrow-down) \
                pressed  $I(arrow-down) \
                disabled $I(arrow-down) \
            ] -width 15 -sticky e

        # OptionMenu
        ttk::style configure TOptionMenu -padding {8 4 4 4}

        ttk::style element create OptionMenu.button \
            image [list $I(button-basic) \
                {disabled pressed} $I(button-disabled) \
                disabled $I(button-disabled) \
                pressed $I(button-basic) \
                active $I(button-hover) \
            ] -border 5 -sticky news 

        ttk::style element create OptionMenu.indicator \
            image [list $I(arrow-down) \
                active   $I(arrow-down) \
                pressed  $I(arrow-down) \
                disabled $I(arrow-down) \
            ] -width 15 -sticky e

        # Combobox
        ttk::style map TCombobox -selectbackground [list \
            {!focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
            {readonly hover} $colors(-selectbg) \
            {readonly focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
        ttk::style map TCombobox -selectforeground [list \
            {!focus} $colors(-selectfg) \
            {readonly hover} $colors(-selectfg) \
            {readonly focus} $colors(-selectfg) \

        ttk::style element create Combobox.field \
            image [list $I(entry-basic) \
                {readonly disabled} $I(button-basic) \
                {readonly pressed} $I(button-basic) \
                {readonly focus hover} $I(button-hover) \
                {readonly focus} $I(button-basic) \
                {readonly hover} $I(button-hover) \
                {focus hover} $I(entry-active) \
                readonly $I(button-basic) \
                disabled $I(entry-basic) \
                focus $I(entry-active) \
                hover $I(entry-hover) \
            ] -border 5 -padding {6 8}

        ttk::style element create Combobox.downarrow \
            image [list $I(arrow-down) \
                active $I(arrow-down) \
                pressed $I(arrow-down) \
                disabled $I(arrow-down) \
            ] -width 15 -sticky e

        # Spinbox
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.field \
            image [list $I(entry-basic) \
                disabled $I(entry-basic) \
                focus $I(entry-active) \
                hover $I(entry-hover) \
            ] -border 5 -padding {6 8} -sticky news

        ttk::style element create Spinbox.uparrow \
            image [list $I(arrow-up) \
                active $I(arrow-up-active) \
                pressed $I(arrow-up-active) \
                disabled $I(arrow-up) \
            ] -border 4 -width 15 -sticky e

        ttk::style element create Spinbox.downarrow \
            image [list $I(arrow-down) \
                active $I(arrow-down-active) \
                pressed $I(arrow-down-active) \
                disabled $I(arrow-down) \
          ] -border 4 -width 15 -sticky e
        # Notebook
        ttk::style element create Notebook.client \
            image $I(notebook-client) -border 4

        ttk::style element create \
            image [list $I(notebook-tab-basic) \
                selected $I(notebook-tab-active) \
                active $I(notebook-tab-hover) \
            ] -border 5 -padding {12 4}

        # Progressbar
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.trough \
            image $I(scrollbar-trough-horizontal) -border {} -sticky ew

        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar \
            image $I(scrollbar-slider-horizontal) -border {} -sticky ew

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.trough \
            image $I(scrollbar-trough-vertical) -border {} -sticky ns

        ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.pbar \
            image $I(scrollbar-slider-vertical) -border {} -sticky ns

        # Treeview
        ttk::style element create Treeview.field \
            image $I(labelframe) -border 5

        ttk::style element create Treeheading.cell \
            image [list $I(tree-basic) \
                active $I(tree-hover)
            ] -border 5 -padding 4 -sticky ewns
        ttk::style element create Treeitem.indicator \
            image [list $I(arrow-right) \
                user2 $I(empty) \
                user1 $I(arrow-down) \
            ] -width 15 -sticky w

        ttk::style configure Treeview -background white
        ttk::style configure Treeview.Item -padding {2 0 0 0}
        ttk::style map Treeview \
            -background [list selected $colors(-selectbg)] \
            -foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)]

        # Sashes
        ttk::style configure TPanedwindow -width 1 -padding 0
        ttk::style map TPanedwindow -background \
            [list hover $colors(-bg)]
        # Set colors for other widgets
        tk_setPalette background [ttk::style lookup . -background] \
            foreground [ttk::style lookup . -foreground] \
            highlightColor [ttk::style lookup . -focuscolor] \
            selectBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
            selectForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground] \
            activeBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
            activeForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground]
        option add *font [ttk::style lookup . -font]

Example of use of waldorf.tcl

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk 

root = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(root)
# load source'source', 'waldorf/waldorf.tcl')
button = ttk.Button(root,
check = ttk.Checkbutton(root, text="hello")
radio = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text="hello")
text = ttk.Label(root,
	text="This is a label").pack()


The black theme

# black.tcl -
#   Experimental!
#  Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Mats Bengtsson
# $Id: black.tcl,v 1.2 2009/10/25 19:21:30 oberdorfer Exp $

package require Tk

namespace eval ttk::theme::black {
  variable version 0.0.1
  variable dir [file dirname [info script]]

  package provide ttk::theme::black $version

  # NB: These colors must be in sync with the ones in black.rdb

  variable colors
  array set colors {
      -disabledfg "#a9a9a9"
      -frame      "#424242"
      -dark       "#222222"
      -darker     "#121212"
      -darkest    "#000000"
      -lighter    "#626262"
      -lightest   "#ffffff"
      -selectbg   "#4a6984"
      -selectfg   "#ffffff"

  ttk::style theme create black -parent clam -settings {

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Theme defaults
    ttk::style configure . \
        -background $colors(-frame) \
        -foreground #ffffff \
        -bordercolor $colors(-darkest) \
        -darkcolor $colors(-dark) \
        -lightcolor $colors(-lighter) \
        -troughcolor $colors(-darker) \
        -selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
        -selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
        -selectborderwidth 0 \
        -font TkDefaultFont

    ttk::style map "." \
        -background [list disabled $colors(-frame) \
        active $colors(-lighter)] \
        -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)] \
        -selectbackground [list  !focus $colors(-darkest)] \
        -selectforeground [list  !focus #ffffff]

    # ttk widgets.
    ttk::style configure TButton \
        -width -8 -padding {5 1} -relief raised
    ttk::style configure TMenubutton \
        -width -11 -padding {5 1} -relief raised
    ttk::style configure TCheckbutton \
        -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1}
    ttk::style configure TRadiobutton \
        -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1}

    ttk::style configure TEntry \
        -fieldbackground #ffffff \
        -foreground #000000 \
        -padding {2 0}
    ttk::style configure TCombobox \
        -fieldbackground #ffffff \
        -foreground #000000 \
        -padding {2 0}
    ttk::style configure TSpinbox \
        -foreground #000000

    ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab \
        -padding {6 2 6 2}

    # tk widgets.
    ttk::style map Menu \
        -background [list active $colors(-lighter)] \
        -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]

    ttk::style configure TreeCtrl \
        -background gray30 -itembackground {gray60 gray50} \
        -itemfill #ffffff -itemaccentfill yellow

# A few tricks for Tablelist.

namespace eval ::tablelist:: {

  proc blackTheme {} {
    variable themeDefaults

    array set colors [array get ttk::theme::black::colors]

    array set themeDefaults [list \
      -background      "#000000" \
      -foreground      "#ffffff" \
      -disabledforeground $colors(-disabledfg) \
      -stripebackground      "#191919" \
      -selectbackground      "#4a6984" \
      -selectforeground      "#8b8b00" \
      -selectborderwidth 0 \
      -font        TkTextFont \
      -labelbackground    $colors(-frame) \
      -labeldisabledBg    "#dcdad5" \
      -labelactiveBg    "#eeebe7" \
      -labelpressedBg    "#eeebe7" \
      -labelforeground    #ffffff \
      -labeldisabledFg    "#999999" \
      -labelactiveFg    #ffffff \
      -labelpressedFg    #ffffff \
      -labelfont    TkDefaultFont \
      -labelborderwidth    2 \
      -labelpady    1 \
      -arrowcolor    "" \
      -arrowstyle    sunken10x9 \


black theme


import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk 

root = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(root)
# load source'source', 'black/black.tcl')
button = ttk.Button(root,
check = ttk.Checkbutton(root, text="hello")
radio = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text="hello")
text = ttk.Label(root,
	text="This is a label").pack()

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Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.