Remove all silences from mp4 videos

I found this script very useful and it made a 10 minutes video to be 5 minutes long without noticing any change into it, very impressive. It takes some minutes to finish but it is wortwhile, if you, like me, do not like spending a lot of time editing videos to adjust parts where there is silence.

Remove silenced parts from videos

The github repos

If you need to make your video go faster, without all those silent parts, this script is for you.

You need to install ffmpeg and audiotsm and scipy.

A script to use

import os

finp = input("File mp4 da cui rimuovere i silezi (senza .mp4):")

stringa = f"py --input_file {finp}.mp4 --output_file output_silence.mp4 --sounded_speed 1 --silent_speed 999999 --frame_rate 10"


Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.