ArkaPyGame 2.1 – Arkanoid like game made with Pygame

In this version of Arkapygame, the clone of arkanoid (made just for learning purpose) we tried some new things.

Refreshing the screen

As you already know, to avoid leaving traces of the sprites blitted on the screen we need to clear the screen in some way.

Instead of using screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) every frame rate to clear the screen or using an Image in the background blitted every frame rate, we could replace only the piece of background behind the sprites that are moving, so that they are deleted and then re-blit the sprite in the new position. This would benefit the frame rate per second.

In this case I choose a little different approach. Instead of replacing the space “behind” the sprite, I just changed it’s color to black (the color of the background) and then blitted again the sprite (in this case, the only moving objects are the ball and the bar.

I did the same for the bricks, but, as they do not move, but they only disappear when they are hit (and no other object goes over them), I decided to blit them in black when they are hit, to delete them. Also the score is deleted only when the score increases and not every frame. So for the most of the time we have just a black bar and a red bar blitted and a black ball and a red ball blitted every frame rate, a very little thing to do for the cpu I think.

In the next post I want also to blit the bar and the ball at the same time to save even more speed, so stay tuned.

The code is the following. I will make a full explanation of the code soon with a live video.

New sounds

As sounds are important, I personally remade all the sounds so that they are more appealling.

The game

The code

Github repository

# arkanoid
import pygame
from pygame import gfxdraw
import os
from random import choice

class Brick:
    "One brick class"

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # This is for collisions
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 50, 20)

    def update(self):
        # when you update it will go to self.x and self.y
        # bar.x is constantly equal to the mouse position in the while loop
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, (self.x, self.y, 50, 20))

class Bar:
    "This is the bar class"

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def update(self):
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, (self.x, self.y, 60, 10))
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 60, 10)

class Ball:
    "Draw Player 2"

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.color = RED

    def update(self):
        "The ball moves"
        global ball
        global ball_x, ball_y

        # sull'asse x Va verso sinistra
        if ball_x == "left":
            # sottraggo perchè vado a sinistra
            ball.x -= velx
            # se arriva a 10 rimbalza
            if ball.x < 10:
                ball_x = "right"
        # va in basso
        if ball_y == 'down':
            # allora aumenta y quando va in basso (parte da 0 in alto)
            ball.y += vel_y
        if ball_y == 'up':
            # quando va in alto tolgo
            ball.y -= vel_y
            # se arriva in cima rimbalza in basso
            if ball.y < 30:
                ball_y = 'down'
        # se va a destra aumenta x
        if ball_x == "right":
            ball.x += velx
            # a 480 rimbalza verso sinistra
            if ball.x > 490:
                ball_x = "left"
        gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, ball.x, ball.y, 6, self.color)
        # gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, ball.x, ball.y, 5, YELLOW)
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 6, 6)

def reverse():
    global ball_x, velx, vel_y
    ball_x = "right" if ball_x == "left" else "right"

def collision():
    global ball, bar, ball_y, ball_x, vely, velx, mousedir, bricks
    global diff, lives, stage, score, loop
    if ball.rect.colliderect(bar):
        ball_y = "up"
        velx = 2 if diff > 0 else 1
        # print(f"you hit with diff: {diff} vel_x = {velx}")

    for n, brick in enumerate(bricks):
        if ball.rect.colliderect(brick):
            # screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (brick.x, brick.y, 50, 20))
            screen.blit(update_fps(color="Black"), (12, 10))
            score += 20
            screen.blit(update_fps(), (12, 10))
            # print("You hit a brick")
            if ball_y == "up":
                # the ball is lower than the brick of 20
                if ball.y == (brick.y + 20 - vel_y) :
                    ball_y = "down"
                # if the balls hit the brick on a side
                    if ball_x == "left":
                        ball_x = "right"
                        ball_x = "left"
            elif ball_y == "down":
                if ball.y <= brick.y - 1:
                    ball_y = "up"
                    if ball_x == "left":
                        ball_x = "right"
                        ball_x = "left"
            if bricks == []:
                screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
                ball.y = 300
                ball.x = 100
                if stage < len(blist):
                    stage += 1
                    stage = 0
                bricks = create_bricks(make_stages())

    if ball.y > 500:
        ball.x, ball.y = 500, 300
        lives -= 1
        if lives < 0:
            score = 0
            stage = 0
            ball_y = 'down'
            ball_x = 'left'
            loop = 0

def exit(event, loop):

    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        loop = 0
    if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
        if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
            loop = 0
    return loop

def create_bricks(blist):
    "The bricks scheme"
    bricks = []
    h = 30
    w = 0
    for line in blist:
        for brick in line:
            if brick == "1":
                bricks.append(Brick(20 + w * 60, h))
            w += 1
            if w == 8:
                w = 0
                h += 30
    return bricks

def show_bricks():
    for brick in bricks:

stage = 0
lives = 3

def make_stages():
    blist = []
    for n in range(5):
        riga = [str(choice([0, 1])) for x in range(8)]
        # print(riga)
    return blist

def write_highest_score():
    "Checks highest score when game's over"
    global score, scoremax

    with open("score.txt", "w") as file:
        if scoremax < score:

blist = make_stages()
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
ball_x = 'left'
ball_y = 'down'
# speed horizzontal
velx = 1
# speed vertical
vel_y = 1

#     sound
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 512)
pygame.mixer.init(22050, -16, 2, 512)
# ===================================
hitbar = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\hitbar2.wav')
s_out = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\outspeech.wav')
hitbrick = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\hitbrick.wav')
s_ready = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\ready.wav')
s_over = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\over.wav')
s_wall = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound\\wall.wav')

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
startx = 0
bar = Bar(10, 480)
ball = Ball(100, 300)
bricks = create_bricks(blist)
background = pygame.image.load("img\\background.png").convert()
mousedir = "stop"
diff = 0
score = 0
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 14)
scoremax = 0

def update_fps(color="Coral"):
    global score, scoremax

    fps = f"Max: {scoremax} Lives: {lives} Stage: {stage} Score: {score} "
    fps_text = font.render(fps, 1, pygame.Color(color))
    return fps_text

def mainloop():
    global startx, mousedir, diff
    loop = 1
    while loop:
        # screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
        #screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (bar.x, bar.y, 60, 10))
        gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, ball.x, ball.y, 6, (0, 0, 0))
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            loop = exit(event, loop)
        # This is the position of the mouse on the x axe
        posx= pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]
        if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] > 400:
            bar.y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]

        if posx > 10 and posx < 430:
            # il surface si muove come il mouse
            bar.x = posx
        if startx > posx:
            mousedir = "left"
        elif startx < posx:
            mousedir = "right"
            mousedir = "stop"
        diff = abs(startx - posx)
        startx = posx

# This should read the file with the highest score
    if "score.txt" in os.listdir():
        with open("score.txt", "r") as file:
            # print("Scoremax = " + file.readlines()[0])
            scoremax = int(file.readlines()[0])
        with open("score.txt", "w") as file:
    with open("score.txt", "w") as file:




1.1 – Pong the father of Arkanoid

Pong v. 1.0 – Pygame example

1.2 – Starting arkanoid… from pong

Arkanoid… let’s make it better…

1.3 – Adding background

ArkaPyGame 1.3 – Adding a background

1.4 – Collision detection

ArkaPygame 1.4 – Collision detected

1.5 – Bricks collisions

Arkanoid in pygame part 5

1.6 – Still on Collisions

Arkanoid part 6 – Still on bricks collision

1.7 – Fixed strange bouncing

Arkanoid 1.7 – Fixed strange bouncing

1.8 – How to destroy the bricks

Arkanoid 1.8 – First stage almost complete: destroy bricks

1.9 – More levels

Arkanoid 1.9 – more stages

2.1 – Infinite level generator

Arkanoid 2.0 – infinite levels

2.3 – Sounds and faster frame rate tecnique

ArkaPyGame 2.1 – Arkanoid like game made with Pygame

2.5 – New nicer levels simmetric and in color and menus

Arkanoid-Pygame 2.5 – New levels and menu

2.6 – Keyboard control

ArkaGame 2.6 – Adding keyboard commands

2.7 – Mouse exclusive control

Arkanoid 2.7 with Pygame – Mouse control – Tiny version

TinyArka – “Mini” version of Arkanoid with pygame

5.0 – Arkagame: 5 different versions

Breakout / Arkanoid – 5 versions in one (pygame)

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