Pygame videogame part I – moving sprites to goal

The idea is to make a game with horses that runs to win a race. Random movements will lead one to win. You should bet on the one that should win. Let’s start with no further ado. In the first part of these series of “tutorial” / live wip we will make the whole game but in a very raw version that we will refine in the next posts.

Yesterday we made an empty window. Today we will ful that window with images of horses and we will make them run for a race. Cute, isn’t it?

This is an image of the game.

The code is here

import pygame
import sys
import random

width = 1000
height = 800
size = width, height

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

horses = pygame.sprite.Group()
class Horse(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
	def __init__(self, horsename, x, y, color):
		# self.image = pygame.Surface((50,50))
		self.horsename = horsename
		self.image = pygame.image.load(f"img\\{self.horsename}.png")
		self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
		self.rect.x = x
		self.rect.y = y
		self.color = color
		# self.image.fill(self.color)
		self.time = 0

	def update(self):
		global game, run

		if game:
			if self.rect.x < 900:
				self.rect.x += random.randrange(0, 5) #self.time
				game = 0
				print(f"{self.horsename } wins!!!!")
			self.time += 1
			if self.time > 200:
				run = 0

game = 1
horse1 = Horse("horse1", 10, 100, "white")
horse2 = Horse("horse2", 10, 200, "blue")
horse3 = Horse("horse3", 10, 300, "red")
horse4 = Horse("horse4", 10, 400, "yellow")
horse5 = Horse("horse5", 10, 500, "green")

run = 1
while run:
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
			run = 0


It’s not the most sophisticated game, to use an euphemism, but I think it’s a good way to start understanding how to make a game with pygame. I, in fact, do not think you (or me) can learn starting from a tutorial about making a 2d platform game like mario if your do not start understanding the very basic stuffs. There may be that there are people that can do it, to start from a complex kind of game, but it’s not my case, so if you think like me, I will do other games in the next days (or at least this is my actual purpose ☺). So, make your variations of this game. I will put these examples in the repository below.

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Published by pythonprogramming

Started with basic on the spectrum, loved javascript in the 90ies and python in the 2000, now I am back with python, still making some javascript stuff when needed.